Episode X: The Return of Jean-Luc

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Chilli's POV: It was an ordinary day At Brisbane International Airport. I was doing my job and was pretty chill despite being Head of Airport Security. Apart from a mix-up involving a squirt gun being mistaken for an actual gun, nothing interesting happened. But then, I saw a familiar-looking black labrador entering the security terminal. By the looks of him, he seemed to be coming in rather than out, and at first, I couldn't place where I had seen him before until he came up to me and said, "Bonjour, Madame Heeler!" that's when I recognized him as Raoul De Canin, the father of Bluey's old acquaintance Jean-Luc. I had only ever seen him once, two years ago while on a camping trip, and when I realized who he was, I said, "Oh, bonjour yourself, Raoul. Is Jean-Luc here?" As if on cue, Jean-Luc came from behind his dad and exclaimed, "Bonjour! How's Bluey?" I said, "Oh. She's fine! Say, do you two want to come over to my place for dinner after you unpack wherever you're saying" "Oui, Oui!" Jean-Luc exclaimed, "WACKADOO!" I exclaimed excitedly. So, after a brief stopover at the De Canins' hotel to help them unpack, we were on our way back to my place.

Back to Bluey: Bingo and I were drawing a picture of Dad when we heard Mum at the door. When she came inside, she said "Hey Bluey, guess who showed up at work today!" she stepped aside to reveal my old friend, Jean-Luc. After a heartfelt reunion, Jean-Luc, Bingo, and I went off to play a game of Hospital while Mum and Dad made dinner. Jean-Luc was playing our patient; as usual, Bingo was the Nurse and I was the Doctor. As expected, he loved the game, especially my constant needle jabs.

At dinner, Dad started by asking, "So Raoul, what brings you back to Australia?" Raoul exclaimed, "Well, Jean-Luc and I were falsely accused of being accessories to a plot to overthrow the Canadian government, so we fled here, thinking of refuge with you guys." "Well," Dad exclaimed, "you can stay with us until I can find you a job and a house."

So, without a moment to spare, Mum and Dad began to help Jean-Luc and his dad. The first thing they did was help Jean-Luc enroll in my school. Thankfully, he ended up in my class, but that wouldn't be the end. Mum was able to negotiate with a realty company to get the De Canins a house just down the street from us. Wendy seemed to take a liking to them, especially.

But, aside from Wendy, I was the one who appreciated Jean-Luc's return most of all. I would get to see him on a more regular basis, and in return, he would learn some English.

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