Episode VIII: yaD etisoppO

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It was a short time after we returned home from Egypt. It had been a fantastic trip, and I had decided to make a video detailing the process of making an Egyptian-style mummy. Bingo and I would be using Dad as our test subject, but this would soon get us to celebrate what has to be the most HILARIOUS holiday ever.

It happened when we were going through the steps of the mummy-making process. But, in the process, we flung many things that we were using into Wendy's yard. Including (but not limited to): a water bucket, two bars of soap, multiple fruits, a lot of salt, some threads and needles, and multiple toilet paper tubes. All of which happened to land close to or directly on Wendy. By the time we had finished filming and Bingo had begun editing, Wendy showed up and slapped Dad (who was still wrapped in toilet paper) across the snout. This then, sparked a dispute about whether Bingo and I threw the stuff at her on purpose, or if it was an accident. This, then, led to Wendy leaving after deducing that Dad "couldn't be reasoned with". Later on, Wendy had a long talk with Mum, proclaiming that Mum and Dad were "too soft" on Bingo and me. Mum said "Well, they have overactive imaginations. Seriously, once you get them hooked on an imagination game, they just lose all touch with reality" After this, Wendy left in a huff, exclaiming "Well, I'll show you!"

The next day, Bingo and I were rudely awakened by Judo and Wendy talking to each other, but strangely, they were both screaming at each other rather than talking at normal volume. When we tried to ask them, Judo said "Well, don't read this calendar and you won't see!" before throwing us a calendar. When we looked at the calendar, we saw that today had been marked as "Opposite Day". So, bearing this in mind, Bingo and I decided not to have some fun.

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