Episode II: The Wedding

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Me and Bluey were playing a game of 'House' upstairs in our room. Soon, Dad called us downstairs, saying that Uncle Rad and his girlfriend, Mum's friend Frisky, were coming over. We hadn't seen them in a long time, and so we enthusiastically ran downstairs to do so.

When we got downstairs, Uncle Rad and Frisky had already arrived and were talking to Mum and Dad individually, since we were kids, we decided to listen. This is what we heard: "So Rad, any news from your place?" asked Dad, and Rad said, "Bandit, since you're my brother, I wanted to let you in on a secret...I'm considering proposing to Frisky, but I'm too shy to do it" elsewhere, we heard that Frisky said the same thing to Mum about Uncle Rad, hearing this, I said "if only they were more self-confident" then, Bluey got a sneaky idea, telling me "Bingo, quick, get two pieces of paper, I have a plan" so, Bingo got 2 pieces of paper, and we folded each in half, Hamburger style, as Mrs. Retriever always said. Then, we each took one folded piece of paper and went off.

Bluey's POV: I went to Uncle Rad in the Kitchen and presented my paper to him, asking, "Can you sign this for me, Uncle Rad?" he said,"'Course Mate, what is it?" and I said, "it's a card, Bluey and I are going to decorate it later, we want you to be the first to sign it" so, he picked up a nearby pen, and wrote inside: Signed, Radley Heeler and I left.

Bingo's POV: I approached Frisky in the living room and did much the same thing as Bluey had done with Uncle Rad, and she happily obliged, signing it Signed, Frisky Setter. 

Soon, we went back to Dad's office and decorated the cards, and then we gave each back to Uncle Rad and Frisky, telling them to give it to the other when we were all gathered together, which they both agreed to 

When we were gathered together, Uncle Rad and Frisky said they would each take turns reading the cards they had been given. Frisky opened Uncle Rad's card and read it aloud: "You're one HOT MAMA!" she read "EEEEEEWWWWW!" cried Bluey, to look inconspicuous. Then, she read on: "Will you marry me? Signed, Radley Heeler" with Dad's old high school ring on the inside. Then, Uncle Rad read the card Frisky had signed, which we decorated as a marriage proposal from her, complete with Auntie Brandy's high school ring "Uh, congratulations!" said Dad, very confused, "YES, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!" said Mum enthusiastically, "We could have the wedding in the backyard! With the whole family in attendance! Bandit and I are going to take care of everything! You two don't have to worry about anything!" "Er, great, thanks," said Frisky, still feeling confused

Mum and Dad were discussing the wedding with Uncle Rad and Frisky. They had agreed that Uncle Rad and Frisky would go on a few dates to get to know each other a bit better before that. Mum said, "Works out perfectly because according to my calculations, wedding preparations should take Bandit and me around four-to-six weeks to complete!" "That's convenient," said Uncle Rad. Then, Mum continued "Okay, we've already identified a priest to marry you two, so that's taken care of. Bandit can be the best man, since, Rad's his brother. I think my sister Brandy can be the Maid of Honor. Since the kids have been looking forward to this, Bluey can be the Ringbearer. And last but certainly not least, Bingo, Socks, and Muffin are the Flower Girls" "YIPEE!" cried Bluey

So, without a moment to spare, we, plus Mum and Dad, began wedding preparations. Mum and Dad had me and Bluey make the wedding invitations, and when we weren't doing that, eating, or sleeping, Bluey and I was rehearsing for our roles in the wedding, using dummies to practice on. Mum said, "This wedding is shaping up to be the best event we may host yet!" "Well," said Dad, "The Kids seem to agree" 2 days before the wedding, I got my first taste of what a bachelor party is like. And our favorite Flamingo Queen Muffin may have had a sugar rush due to too much fruit punch and ice pops that led to her performing a terrible rendition of 'Single Ladies' for everyone, much to Uncle Stripe's amusement and Socks' chagrin

It was Saturday, the day of the wedding. Mum, true to her word, had taken care of everything. With all those weeks, she had transformed the backyard into a beautiful wedding chapel with refreshments, a wedding cake, a red carpet, and an ice sculpture of Mum. Dad's side of the family sat on the left side of the aisle, and Mum's side (and the friends of our family) sat on the right side. I was beside Frisky along with Muffin and Socks as she prepared to come out for the big moment. While Frisky was working on her facial makeup, I asked her how she felt "Well," she said "I've wanted to get married since I was six years old, Bingo. If only for the wedding. So, finally getting to live that dream, is something I'm going to love"

Soon, the organist began to play a rendition of 'My Heart Will Go On' on the organ (Mum's idea, not mine) and I came out beside Frisky, scattering flower petals in her path. When she came up to Uncle Rad, I took a seat at the front, then, the bishop that Mum had found walked up to them, and then, after a long-winded speech about getting married and the 'value of the home' and the 'sanctity of marriage' that I can't possibly divulge here, he turned to Uncle Rad and asked him if he took Frisky to be his lawfully wedded wife (whatever that means) to which she replied "I-I do" then, he turned to Uncle Rad and asked if he wanted to be Frisky's lawfully wedded husband (look I don't speak grown-up, so if you know what either of those words means, PLEASE tell me) and then, he said "I do" then, Bluey walked up to them and gave them the wedding rings Mum had bought, and they said their vows, Uncle Rad said "In the name of god, I, Radley take you, Frisky, to be my wife. to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow" Then Aunt Frisky repeated this, only changing a few of the words slightly. That was it. they were now happily married, and ready to live happily ever after

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