Chapter 27 "a flock without its heart"

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"I was not" I denied, but I knew she was referring to my very unapproachable thinking face.

She raised one eyebrow at me, even Andrew looking at me like I was being stupid, we were in public walking through one of the market streets.

"Ok fine yes I am" I said putting my hands up in defeat.

The twins had dragged me out to just wander for a while I suppose, just anything to get me out of the house.

I knew they were dealing with this their own way too, they often tried to see the good in things and keep busy, they trusted Ashley, I guess they just had more patience and optimism than me.

I couldn't help being more agitated than them, I had a rocky family life and Ashley was my boulder to lean on.

She was like my sister, I treated Samuel like a brother too, they were my family and I was theirs and I'd be damned if I wasn't there for them like they were for me and each other.

"We are all worried dude, but Ash is one badass mean lean fighting machine, she's going to be way or another we'll get back in contact" Andrew said, nudging my side trying to cheer me up.

"It's just hard to not have any contact with her, I'm worried...what if he's messing with her head like other mates do?"

I whispered in hopes that fewer would hear me.

The twins looked at each other and smiled mischievously, I looked between them then sighed "please don't say you have an idea..."

"We have an idea" they both said together with smiles on their faces.

Oh how did Ash ever deal with these two, I wasn't the leader type but I tried my best to do what Ash would have done.

I rubbed my face with my open hands and took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

"Ok...what's your idea?"

The two dragged me off to the side behind a busy food truck to drown out our voices.

"We Managed to overhear some information of one of the underground neutral bars having an event tonight, it's a small one but we thought it might be good for us to get out" Andrew said smiling.

I raised an eyebrow at this, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"And in true 'Ghost' fashion to still keep everyone on their toes, we thought it would be a good place to try tapping into any Wolfe's device to see what information we can pick up, I'm sure Ash would love for us to cause some chaos still" Rose looked very proud of herself.

The smile on my face only grew more at that, it definitely sounded like something Ash would suggest and it could be fun.

" both have me intrigued with this idea...hell maybe we'll hear something that can help Ash get out of her little predicament right now" the idea of possibly helping really cheered me up, and this could genuinely benefit the team.

"So you're on board with the idea?" Rose asked, bouncing excitedly on her feet, Andrew had the biggest grin on his face.

"Ok, I'm game, let's see what we can find tonight at this event, maybe it'll be worth our time, or even get information on Ashley, I'm more than happy to get my hands on their data"

The twins celebrate temporarily at their success in recruiting me, and I'm sure this is going to be a fun night.


The underground club was much more lively than I expected. Honestly, I had gotten us all some fake IDs as usual but Andrew being the magician with makeup he was, helped us appear differently.

The Alphas rebellious Mate.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ