|*| Chapter 10 |*|

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TW: could be triggering to some audiences due to (KIDNAPPING) and (LITTLE ABUSE)




As I was walking home, I decided to take a short cut the ventured deeper in the old factories and warehouses. right near the edge of town. Despite my usual routine of navigating through the old factories and warehouses only during daylight hours my initial confidence, a sense of unease crept over me as I navigated the streets.

With each step, the feeling of being watched intensified, sending a chill down my spine that refused to abate. I couldn't shake the sensation that unseen eyes were tracking my every move, lurking in the shadows just beyond my line of sight. As I rounded a corner, the sensation of being watched reached a crescendo, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Though I knew it was irrational, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was not alone in the darkness, that something unseen and malevolent lurked just out of reach.

Heart pounding in my chest, I quickened my pace, eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere. With each hurried step, I prayed that I would soon emerge from the darkness unscathed, longing for the safety and familiarity of home. Oh. How wrong I was.

As I turned the final corner, the peaceful silence of the night shattered by the sudden cacophony of bins crashing to the ground. Startled, I froze in place, my heart pounding in my chest as adrenaline surged through my veins. For a moment, I stood there in shock and horror. Despite the fear that gripped me, a curious instinct compelled me to investigate the source of the disturbance. With each hesitant step, my pulse quickened, the thud of my heart echoing in my ears.

As I approached the scene of the commotion, a sense of dread washed over me, my heart still racing with trepidation, I was taken aback to find not a sinister presence, but a small, innocent black cat nestled amidst the overturned bins. Relief flooded through me, dissipating the lingering sense of dread that had gripped me moments before.

With a soft smile, I extended a hand to offer comfort to the frightened creature. But as my fingers drew closer, the cat reacted unexpectedly, lashing out with a swift bite that caught me off guard. Pain flared at the point of contact, and I recoiled instinctively, watching in surprise as a bead of blood welled up from the shallow wound.

As the cat darted away into the darkness, leaving me alone with my thoughts, a wave of overwhelming emotion washed over me. With the sting of the bite on my hand I fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. With trembling hands, I reached up to wipe away the tears that had begun to gather at the corners of my eyes, willing myself to regain control over my emotions. Taking a deep breath, I resolved to push past the fear that threatened to consume me and continue my journey home.

As I rose from my kneeling position, my muscles tensed with the effort, a shiver running down my spine as if sensing a presence behind me. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, strong hands seized me from behind, their grip firm and unyielding. A gasp escaped my lips as a whisper brushed against my ear, sending a chill coursing through me. "Hello, Little one. I'm glad we get to spend more time together. You know we didn't get to spend much time in the club with you running off and all."

Heart pounding in my chest, it was the creepy guy from the club I struggled against him, panic clawing at my mind as I frantically searched for a way to escape. But as I strained against the relentless hold, my efforts proved futile, the hands tightening their grip with a menacing strength that left me breathless with fear.

"Who are you?" I managed to choke out, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.

The hands released their grip slightly, allowing me to turn and face my captor. In the dim light, I caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure looming over me. "I'm just a messenger but, I know someone special really wants you to be safe and he will pay a good penny too." came the enigmatic reply, spoken with a chilling calmness that sent shivers down my spine. "But trust me, you're about to meet someone who has a vested interest in you too."

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I struggled to make sense of the cryptic message. Who could possibly want me safe enough to pay a ransom? And what did this mysterious "boss" have in store for me?

He once again grabbed me and took me to this big black car that looked like a shadow. He threw me into he back seat and hoped in the front with another guy in a black suit that didn't speak a word.

As I sat , thoughts swirled tumultuously in my mind he reality of my situation bore down on me with suffocating weight, crushing the fragile illusion of safety that I had clung to so desperately. In the quiet solitude of my captivity, I found myself grappling with a harsh truth: the romantic fantasies that had filled the pages of my books were a far cry from the harsh realities of the world and I might die. The thought of never seeing Bri and Josh again, never feeling the warmth of her embrace or hearing her laughter, filled me with a profound sense of loss and longing. Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to come to terms with the cruel twist of fate that had led me to this moment. How had my life taken such a dark and twisted turn? What had I done to deserve such a fate?




(Damien POV)

As I sat at my desk, engrossed in the mundane tasks of the day, the sudden intrusion of Bri into my office shattered the quiet hum of productivity. Her dishevelled appearance and panicked expression were like a bolt from the blue, jolting me out of my reverie and into the stark reality of her words.

"Sir, she's missing," Bri's voice trembled with raw emotion, her words a frantic plea for help that echoed in the silence of the room. It took a moment for her words to register, my mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of what she was saying. Missing? The word hung in the air like a heavy weight, casting a pall of uncertainty over the room. My heart skipped a beat as the implications of Bri's words sank in, filling me with a sense of dread and apprehension.

Rising from my seat, I crossed the room to stand before Bri, the urgency of the situation palpable in the air. Every instinct screamed at me to spring into action, to do whatever it took to find her and bring Aria back to safety. "Take a deep breath, Bri," I said, my voice calm and steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "We'll find her. But first, we need to gather as much information as we can. When was the last time anyone saw her? Did she say anything unusual? We need to act fast."

Bri's words hit me like a ton of bricks, each syllable laden with an unmistakable sense of urgency and concern. As she questioned me about the route Aria had taken home. "she walked past the old factories," I admitted. Bri's shocked expression mirrored my own growing sense of dread, mumbling "fuck , I told her she cant walk that way." Underneath her breath.

Aria's decision to take that particular route now seemed like a reckless gamble, one that had potentially placed her in harm's way. Guilt gnawed at the edges of my conscience, each pang a harsh reminder of my failure to protect her from the dangers in this town.

"We need to find her," I said, my voice edged with determination as I pushed aside the overwhelming sense of remorse that threatened to consume me. "We'll retrace her steps, gather whatever information we can. But we need to act fast."

With a sense of urgency driving us forward, Bri and I set out to unravel the mystery of Aria's disappearance.





(author note: Hey hope you are enjoying the story. Please leave a comment if you like long chapters or short chapters more. but thank you soooo much for reading , if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments plus a BIG!! thank you agian for 800+ reads <3 you all are the best!!! ) 

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