|*| Chapter 8 |*|

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(Aria's POV)

I awoke to the relentless throbbing of a headache, my stomach growling every two minutes, I've never felt so sick. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps it was something I ate that left me feeling so unwell. The memories of the previous night were fuzzy at best, like trying to recall a dream after you just woke up. It was unusual for me to indulge in wild partying, yet here I was... After all, everyone had their moments of letting loose, right?

Dragging myself out of bed, I stumbled towards the bathroom, A bubble bath seemed like the ultimate remedy, a soothing escape. With my laptop perched safely on the counter, I immersed myself in the comforting embrace of warm water, the sounds of YouTube providing a welcome distraction. But as the minutes ticked by and the bubbles went away the water started leaving me resembling more of an elderly lady. With a sigh, I reluctantly emerged from the bath, the cocoon of bubbles dissipating as I dried myself off.

in nothing but a towel, I made my way back to my room, feeling a bit more like my former self. Whatever had transpired last night remained a blur, a mystery I wasn't sure I wanted to unravel. But as I reached for a change of clothes, I knew that the day ahead would bring its own set of challenges, ones I would face head-on.

As I finished getting dressed and into the kitchen, to find that Bri and Josh were both still sound asleep like babies!

Balancing a plate of eggs on toast, I settled onto the couch, Turing on the television which was casting a comforting light in the dim room. With no particular show in mind, I let the random selection play, finding "Avatar: The Last Airbender".

Lost in the animated adventures, I was jolted from my reverie by the sudden ringing of my phone. "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed, hastily setting down my meal to retrieve the device from the cluttered floor of my room.

Heart pounding, I answered with a nervous, "Hello?" uncertainty coursing through my veins. The voice on the other end of the line was unmistakably Chloe's, my coworker.

"heyyyy!!! Aria. It's Chloe from work."

"Heeyyy, Chloe," I replied, my tone tinged with skepticism.

" I was wondering as we are such good work buddies if you could over my shift later today at 5pm as I am.... *fake cough* sick *another fake cough*."

With a scoff, I rolled my eyes, incredulous at Chloe's audacity.

"Sorry, Chloe," I retorted, my tone firm. "I'm actually feeling under the weather myself and really need to rest. Can't help you out this time."

Chloe's exasperated response echoed through the phone, and I could almost picture her exaggerated eye roll.

"O-my-freaking-god, Aria," she huffed. "I cover so many shifts for you, and this is how you repay me? Some work friend you are."

I sighed, knowing Chloe's guilt trip tactics all too well. With a sigh, I reluctantly succumbed to Chloe's guilt trip tactics, agreeing to cover her shift. She hung up the call, delivering her trademark "Thanks, babe!! You're the best girl!" line, a token expression of gratitude that always followed when someone did something she wanted.

As the call ended, I couldn't shake the feeling of being manipulated, but I hoped this Favor wouldn't come back to haunt me. I resolved to make the best of the situation and get ready to head to work. After all, duty called, and as much as I dreaded it, I had committed to covering Chloe's shift. With a resigned sigh, I began the familiar routine of getting dressed and gathering my things, bracing myself for the challenges that awaited me at the restaurant. 




(Damien POV)

As my phone began to ring, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It was Chloe, the new little I'd been meeting with over the past few days. Despite her bratty demeanour, I hadn't pushed her too hard, sensing a hint of a spoiled princess beneath the surface. Still, I wasn't overly invested in our interactions.

Answering the call without much thought, I prepared myself for whatever triviality Chloe had deemed important enough to warrant interrupting my day.

"Heyyy Damien... I mean, sorry Daddy," Chloe's voice chirped through the phone.

"Yes, Chloe. What's on your mind?" I replied, trying to keep the annoyance out of my tone.

"Well, I managed to find someone to cover my shift tonight. Wanna go out, or maybe I could come over to yours and we could..." Her voice trailed off suggestively.

Cutting her off swiftly, I interjected, "I'll organize someone to pick you up. We're going out tonight." My response was curt, a clear indication that I wasn't interested in entertaining her suggestive proposals.

I dialled Emmett's number, knowing he was not just my best friend but also my trusted second-in-command in all aspects of my life.

"Emmett, I need you to do me a favor. Pick up Chloe for me and take her to The Village Stranger (the diner/restaurant Aria works at) . I'll meet you both there," I instructed, a sense of urgency evident in my voice.

I could almost hear Emmett's laughter through the phone before he responded. "Please tell me you're finally going to break up with that girl. She's a horrible person, not to mention a terrible vampire. I've had to intervene multiple times to prevent her from revealing our secret to the humans."

His words echoed my own concerns about Chloe, confirming that my decision to distance myself from her was long overdue. With a sense of resolve, I thanked Emmett and ended the call.

Dressed in my finest attire, in an all-black suit, accentuated by a striking red undershirt. I ensured that every detail in this ensemble was impeccable, from the subtle placement of my family crest on my cufflinks to the precision of my hair. Tonight, I would confront Chloe and put an end to the charade once and for all. I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

Arriving outside the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice Chloe's choice of attire – a revealing dress that left little to the imagination. While wishing she would opt for more modest clothing, I reminded myself of the task at hand and resolved to stay focused.

"OMG, Hi Damien, how are you?" Chloe greeted me enthusiastically, her hands roaming my arm as she clung to my body.

"Good," I replied curtly, my tone colder than intended. Despite her attempts at intimacy, I maintained a professional demeanour, steeling myself for the conversation that lay ahead.

As Chloe and I entered the restaurant, the owner greeted us with a warm smile, a familiar sight that instantly put me at ease. With a nod of acknowledgment, I followed him to our usual booth tucked away in the back corner of the restaurant.

Choosing to meet here was a deliberate decision, driven by my close relationship with the owners, forged through years of family friendship. It was this connection that had enabled me to secure Chloe's employment at the restaurant. Seated in the comfort of our familiar surroundings, I prepared myself for the discussion that I would have to say.







I am soooo sorry, for not updating for so long. I had so much stuff going on (it's not funny) anyways should be getting another chapter or so done! soon gotta keep going :) 

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