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You all turned your attention to the source of the explosion.

"It's Combustion Man!" Sokka exclaimed.

You all began to run, Aang and Sokka carrying Toph, when you peered behind you to see what was going on.

Zuko and "Combustion Man" were standing high up on a ledge. Zuko had altered the course of Combustion Man's projectile so that no one would get hit.

"Stop! I don't want you hunting the Avatar anymore!" Zuko yelled.

Aang looked up at Zuko in shock, setting down Toph on the ground.

"The mission is off. I'm ordering you go stop." Zuko said, blocking Combustion Man by spreading his arms out.

Combustion Man shoved Zuko aside and began to take aim at the five of you on the ground.

Zuko launched an attack at Combustion Man, but it was no use.

As you prepared an attack, you focused on Combustion Man's location, and realized something off-putting.

You recognized him.

A few of timelines you were shown of everyone you cared about dying... He was in them.

Your eyes went wide. Flinching as the memories flooded back to you, your body shook and shivered uncontrollably.

"Y/N!?" You heard Katara shouting out your name. She held your limp, disfigured body, screaming in horror. A bright blue strike of lightning turned your vision white. Ashes.

"I... I can't hold on!" Toph cried, dangling from a ledge. She was high up in the air, holding on to Sokka's arm. "Y/N!" Sokka yelled. You tried to catch the two of them, but a dark figure held you back. They fell.

You shut your eyes and took a deep breath. Warping a large whip, you launched Combustion Man backwards into the wall of the temple.

Quickly converting your void into fire, Zuko hit Combustion Man with another attack.

Katara and Sokka looked shocked. "Did he just... Bend your bending!?" Sokka exclaimed.

There was debris and rubble, silence soon following after.

Then, suddenly...!

Combustion Man took aim at Zuko and send a massive explosion his way, the metal on his arm dented from the strength of your double attacks.

"NO!" You immediately formed an ebony lasso around him and tried to pull him up despite the distance between the two of you.

Aang and Katara joined the fight, leading Combustion Man off the ledge he was previously on, and allowing you to get Zuko to safety.

"Y/N, is that you to my left?" Toph inquired.

"Yeah! What's wrong?" You asked.

Toph hummed, "Remember that weird thing we did in the desert? When you enhanced my seismic sense?"

You nodded, "I have an idea." You placed your hand onto Toph's and focused.

Toph dug her hand into the wall, earthbending a narrow fissure at Combustion Man and sending a ripple through the floor he was standing on.

Katara sent a gigantic wave towards Combustion Man, followed by icicles.

Using his metal arm, Combustion Man blocked them, still stumbling backwards because of Toph's earthbending.

Sokka readied his boomerang and got ready to take aim. "He shoots...!" Sokka launched it at Combustion Man...

"And he scores!" Sokka grinned, striking Combustion Man right in his third eye.

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