Chapter 59: One cute sheep

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*at Stella's classroom*

Mrs. Randy: okay parents we are having are annual prek Christmas play. Everyone has a part so I'm sending home the list with which part is what. We will be practicing at school, but go over their part with them at home as well

Stella: mama!

Madeline: hey baby! Okay let's go home

Stella: mama mah kimas pay yiss

Madeline: oh my goodness! Okay we will look at it when we get home

*go home*

Stella: wuh id says mama?

Madeline: it says that Stella is the sheep!

Stella: I da seep!!

Madeline: you are!!

Stella: yay!!!!

Madeline: and Laityn is an angel

Stella: guh dob yay yay!

Madeline: that is awesome Stella! You're gonna be the cutest sheep!

Caroline: *comes over with addy*

Stella: nahnee ahdee sella is da seep!!!

Caroline: oh wow!

Madeline: they got their parts for the prek Christmas play

Caroline: oh my goodness!

Caroline: addy was the star when she was in prek

Stella: da saw? Guh dob ahdee

*all giggle*

Caroline: what's laityn?

Madeline: laityn is an angel

Caroline: aww they are gonna look adorable

Madeline: I know!!

Madeline: okay lucky for us she only has one line!

Caroline: what is it?

Madeline: I am the sheep with curly fur

Caroline: okay not too bad

Madeline: she'll definitely remember it. It's just her pronunciation

Caroline: oh she'll be fine. It's prek. They are still babies

Madeline: your right

Madeline: Stella come see

Stella: *goes see madeline*

Madeline: Stella you get to say something for your play

Stella: wuh I say mama?

Madeline: you say "I am the sheep with curly fur"

Stella: I da seep wid cuwy fuw

Madeline: that was good baby!

Caroline: see she's got that!

*next day at school*

Mrs. Randy: okay everyone listen to Mrs Randy. We are gonna start practicing our play today!

Kids: yay!!!

Mrs. Randy: okay when I call your name come see Mrs Randy

*starts going over everyone's parts and gets to Stella's*

Mrs. Randy: I need my sheep, my cow, my donkey, and my dove

Mrs. Randy: so that's Stella, Brett, Ethan, and Annie

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