Chapter 55: One little tea party

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Madeline:  Stella girl guess what!?
Stella: wuh mama?
Madeline: your birthday is coming up!
Stella: *gasps* mah buhday?!
Madeline: yes ma'am! What kind of party do you want to have?
Stella: mah pawdy?
Madeline: yeah remember last year you had a princess party?
Stella: yeah pecess pawdy!
Madeline: yeah a party like that!
Stella: oh!
Madeline: do you want to pick or do you want mama to surprise you?
Stella: mama suhpise me pees
Madeline: okay sweet girl!
Stella: mama I pay wit ahdee pees?
Madeline: let me call nanny and see if they can come over
Madeline: *calls Caroline*
Madeline: hey Stella wants addy to come play do y'all want to come over? Maybe we can see if Polly wants to bring Lai and Levi over?
Caroline: yeah we'll be over in a few minutes!
*Caroline and addy walk over to Madeline's*
Caroline: hey Stella girl!
Stella: Ahdee!!! *runs to addy and hugs her*
Caroline: what about nanny?
Stella: oh hi nahnee!
*all laugh*
Caroline: *picks Stella up and kisses her* you better give nanny a hug!
Stella: *laughs and hugs caroline*
Caroline: oh thank you Stella girl
Madeline: alright let me call Polly
Stella: mama I dawk da yay yay on da phone?
Madeline: okay you can
Madeline: *calls Polly and puts it on speaker and hands the phone to stella*
Polly: hello?
Stella: hey, yay yay. Id me seya
*all laugh*
Polly: it's aunt P sweetheart! I'll go get laityn
Polly: *calls laityn over to come talk to Stella*
Laityn: Stella!
Stella: Id me yay yay! Seya on da phone!
Caroline: this is the cutest phone conversation ever
Madeline: Stella let mama talk to aunt p please
Stella: he go mama *gives Madeline her phone back*
Madeline: thanks baby
Polly: oh my gosh I'm dying over here. She's so stinking cute!
Madeline: *laughs* she's something else! Anyways would you want to bring the kids over to play?
Polly: yeah for sure! We'll be over in a few minutes
Madeline: perfect! Bye
Madeline: hey girlies laityns coming to play too
Stella: yay! Yay yay!
Addy: yes!
Rhett: *wakes up*
Madeline: *goes get rhett*
Caroline : good morning buddy!
Madeline: say hey nanny and addy
Rhett: *blows spit bubbles*
Madeline: Rhett that's not nice
Rhett: *laughs*
Caroline: silly dude!
Polly: hey we're here!
Stella: id yay yay! Cut pay wit seya an ahdee
Madeline: hello Levi! Your buddy just woke up!
Polly: go see Rhett buddy!
*baby boys play*
Polly: it's beautiful today. Do y'all want to go sit outside?
Madeline: yeah let's do it!
*all go outside*
*kids playing in the yard; ladies chatting on the porch*
Madeline: okay I need help with Stella's birthday party
Caroline: I can't believe she's gonna be four!
Madeline: you and me both! Where did my little baby go!
Polly: that blows my mind. She's so little!
Madeline: I know! Rhett weighs more than her now! I was little like her when I was a kid so that's where she gets it from.
Caroline: I keep forgetting how old she is. She still looks like a little two year old
Polly: her little voice is so cute too!
Madeline: yeah it's absolutely adorable, but I feel like she's going to need speech therapy. She still sounds like a baby when she talks.
Caroline: she's still so young. She might grow out of it.
Polly: enjoy the cuteness while it lasts!
Madeline: I know! I'll be so sad the day she talks like a big girl.
Madeline: anyways back to her party. She said she wants mama to surprise her so what ideas do y'all have?
Caroline: let's see, she had a Minnie party and a princess party
Madeline: she still loves both of those, but I'd like to do something different
Polly: ooh maybe you can have like a little tea party and the girls can all bring a stuffed animal to have tea with them.
Madeline: oh my gosh that's so cute!!! I love that idea!
Addy: no Rhett!
Madeline: Rhett what are you doing?
Addy: he's trying to pull Stella's bow out her hair
Madeline: *goes grab Rhett's hand off of Stella's hair*
Stella: owsh mama
Rhett: *yanks Stella's bow out and pulls some hair with it*
Madeline: Rhett! No sir! That's not nice. We don't pull hair!
Stella: nuh no wet!
Madeline: Stella you okay sweet pea?
Stella: seya head owsh
Madeline: let mama kiss it *kisses Stella's head* all better!
Stella: dankoo mama
Madeline: Rhett tell sissy you're sorry.
Rhett: *babbles gibberish*
Madeline: okay give her a hug
*Stella and Rhett hug*
Madeline: aww thank you. Okay y'all want to go inside for a little bit.
Laityn: can we play restaurant?
Madeline: y'all can play whatever y'all want baby!
*all go inside to play with Stella's kitchen set*
*ladies sit on the couch*
Madeline : okay so I'll send out invites and stuff this week
Addy: hello I'll be your waitress what can I get you to drink?
Caroline: hmm I'll take a water
Addy: we are out of water
Polly: out of water! What kind of drinks do y'all have?
Addy: we have grape juice, orange juice, milk, and fruit punch
Madeline: I'll take some grape juice
Caroline: I'll have some milk
Polly: I'll have some fruit punch
Addy: coming right up!
Addy: laityn you make you the milk, Stella you make the fruit punch, I'll make the grape juice
Laityn: okay addy
Jason: *gets home*
Madeline: hey babe we're having some dinner
Jason: Mmm sounds good
Rhett: dada dada
Jason: hey buddy!
Stella: dada wuh wanna dink?
Jason: ooh I'd love a scotch on the rocks
Stella: cumin wite up!
*all laugh*
*few hours later Polly goes home*
Stella: *brings Madeline bag of mega blocks* mama I made uh cassa pees?
Madeline: yes maam you may. Thank you for playing so nice today! You always play nice though.
Stella: *starts building her castle*
Madeline: alright you want a party decoration run with me tomorrow?
Caroline: I'm down!
Madeline: alright cool. I'm trying to think of cute little tea party things for a 4 year olds party.
Caroline: get some like little cookies and juice. You know they aren't going to drink real tea.
Madeline: you're right. I'll still put it in a teapot so they can pretend.
Stella: *excited* mama mama! Luh wuh I made!
Rhett: *knocks down Stella's tower*
Stella: *pouts* wet dah was seyas cassa... *starts crying*
Madeline: aww baby! Jason handle him please
Stella: *sad crying*
Madeline: *picks Stella up* it's okay sweet girl. He didn't mean to he's just a baby
Caroline: poor baby. She was so proud too!
Madeline: I know!
Stella: *crying* mama wet hut seya hawt
*Madeline and Caroline both aww*
Madeline: *snuggle stella* awwww sweet baby. It's gonna be okay I promise.
Caroline: she is so your child...
Madeline: *gives Caroline eyes* I'm well aware! You a little softy like you're mommy huh Stella girl.
Jason: Stella Rhett says he's sorry. He didn't mean to.
Madeline: Stella Rhett says he's sorry. Do you forgive him
Stella: *crying* ya mama
Madeline: that's a sweet girl!
Jason: baby girl. Dada will help you make it again
Madeline: oh that's a sweet dada. Stella you want to build with dada? Mama will go put Rhett to bed.
Stella: ya I buid wit dada
Jason: come see honey bun
Madeline: *takes rhett* okay buddy it's time for you to go night my little trouble maker.
Caroline: okay we're gonna go home. See y'all tomorrow.
Madeline: *puts Rhett to bed*
Stella: mama aww duhn!
Madeline: let me see!
Madeline: wow baby! That looks awesome! You and dada did a great job!
Stella: *excited*
Madeline: okay my love bug let's go night night. *puts Stella to bed*
*next day*
*kids at daycare*
Madeline: hey do you want to go surprise Stella at daycare with some treats for her class!?
Caroline: let's do it!
Madeline: let me call Jason and see if he wants to come
Madeline: *calls Jason* hey Caroline and I are going surprise Stella at school for her birthday can you make it?
Jason: I'd love to but I can't leave work today. Tell my baby girl daddy loves her though
Madeline: I sure will!
Jason: bye love you
Madeline: love you too bye
Madeline: let's go pick some cupcakes up at the store real quick and then we can go
Caroline: okay some vanilla cupcakes
Madeline: yes! No allergic reactions today!
*madeline and Caroline buy cupcakes and go to Stella's daycare*
Shelly: hey Madeline!
Madeline: hey! Coming surprise my girl for her birthday!
Shelly: go right ahead!
*madeline and Caroline go to Stella's class*
Mrs. Gracey: hey! Stella come see !
Stella: mama and nahnee! *runs go see them*
Madeline: hello my sweet girl! How was your day!
Stella: mama wuh dat?
Madeline: some yummy cupcakes for you and your friends!
Stella: *gasps* yay!!!
Mrs. Gracey: okay boys and girls, tomorrow is Stella's birthday so her mom brought some yummy treats for you! What do you tell her?
Kids: thank you!
Madeline: you're very welcome!
* hands out cupcakes and kids eat and sing happy birthday to Stella*
Madeline: okay sweet girl mommy and nanny have to go. We'll come get you later!
Stella: Seya go wit mama and nahnee pees *sweet eyes*
Mrs. Gracey: aww mama look at that precious face
Madeline: okay sweet pea you can come!
Stella: yay mama!
Madeline: tell Mrs Gracey and your friends bye
Stella: bah bye eybudy!
Class: bye Stella
*go get stuff for Stella's party*
Caroline: Stella we gotta find you a cute dress for your tea party!
Stella: mah pawdy!
Madeline: okay we got everything else just need Stella's pretty dress!
* go shopping for a dress*
Caroline: Stella look at all these pretty dresses!
Stella: wow! Pecesses!
Madeline: it does look like princess dresses! Which one do you like?
Stella: *in awe looking around*
Caroline: she doesn't know where to go first
Madeline: come see baby let's start right here
*look at all the dresses and find a cute one*
*go home*
Stella: mama I puh dess on?
Madeline: sure baby! You wanna go in mommy's bathroom to see it in the big mirror?
Stella: ya bid middah!
Madeline: okay let's go! *goes put Stella's dress on and goes to mirror*
Caroline: oh my goodness!
Madeline: how cute are you!!
Stella: *smiling really big*
Madeline: do you love it sweet pea?!
Stella: I yuv id mama!
Madeline: aww mamas so glad you love it!
Caroline: all your friends and cousins have pretty dresses too!
Stella: ya!
*few days later*
*the night before the party*
Caroline: okay Daniel you're on cake duty tomorrow. Pick it up at 10:30am and be very careful!
Daniel: I got it don't worry
Madeline: Jason you're on Rhett duty and fun jump duty
Jason: gotcha!
Madeline: Caroline and I are gonna set up and get all the food ready and everything else.
Jason: alright so we got a game plan
Madeline: yep, and break!
*all go to bed*
*next morning 8am*
Rhett: *crying*
Madeline: *goes get rhett* whats wrong buddy *kisses him*
Rhett: mama *points*
Madeline: oh you dropped your paci. Here *gives Rhett paci*
Rhett: *takes paci and lays down on Madeline*
Madeline: you want to go play?
Rhett: dada
Madeline: okay let's go play with dada
Madeline: *brings Rhett to jason*
Jason: hey little monster! *gets Rhett and throws him in the air*
Rhett: *laughs and gets excited*
Madeline: okay try to stay quiet. Sissy is still sleeping
*Madeline goes start setting up with Caroline*
Caroline: I brought a little helper!
Addy: *smiles*
Madeline: yay!! Okay addy girl I actually have a job for you first. Can you go put the table cloth on the table and put the decorations around it please
Addy: yep!
*all set up*
Stella: *wakes up and goes in living room*
Jason: good morning princess!!
Stella: guh mawdin dada and wet!
Jason: you wanna come play with us? Or go see mama?
Stella: ah see mama
Jason: okay baby. Mamas outside!
Stella: yay ahsiy! *runs outside*
Madeline: good morning my beautiful girl!! *picks Stella up and kisses her*
Caroline: are you so excited for your party?
Stella: ah so essided!
Madeline: paran should be back with your cake anytime now
*daniel comes in with the cake*
Madeline: let's see it!

 Mamas outside! Stella: yay ahsiy! *runs outside* Madeline: good morning my beautiful girl!! *picks Stella up and kisses her* Caroline: are you so excited for your party? Stella: ah so essided! Madeline: paran should be back with your cake anytime...

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Caroline: oh my gosh!!
Madeline: it's beautiful!!
Addy: wow!!
Madeline: Stella come see your cake! *picks her up*
Stella: *gasps* oh mah dudness!!
Madeline: *giggles* oh my goodness! So cute!!
Madeline: okay baby you're friends and cousins are coming over in an hour. Let's go get dressed and mommy needs to get dressed too!
Jason: I'll get dude dressed
Madeline: yes thank you!
*madeline dresses stella*
Madeline: Stella you are so adorable!
Stella: ah so piddy mama!
Madeline: you are so pretty!
Caroline: Stella! Look how cute you are!!!
Madeline: come see, let's go take a picture outside before you get all dirty
*go take a picture*

Madeline: oh my gosh! You're getting too big my girl! Caroline: stella you're so stinking cute!!! *all friends come over* Polly: oh my gosh this is the cutest party! Madeline: didn't it come out adorable! Tara: look how big she looks! Madeline: I ...

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Madeline: oh my gosh! You're getting too big my girl!
Caroline: stella you're so stinking cute!!!
*all friends come over*
Polly: oh my gosh this is the cutest party!
Madeline: didn't it come out adorable!
Tara: look how big she looks!
Madeline: I know!! My sweet baby girl!
Dana: aww, they are all having so much fun! Even Rhett and Levi!
Madeline: those are best buddies!
Stella: mama I go on da fuh dump!
Madeline: okay!
Polly: Stella you're so freaking cute!!
Stella: ah so fweadin coot!
*all laugh*
*all enjoy the rest of the Stella's birthday*

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