Chapter 48: One missing paci

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Madeline: okay goal for this week is to ween Stella off of her pacifier!

Caroline: yeah it's gonna start messing her teeth up!

Madeline: what did you do when addy was little?

Caroline: what did we do? *thinks*

Caroline: oh we gathered all her pacifiers and put them under the pillow and told her the paci fairy was coming to trade. If she gave all the paci's away she would get a toy

Madeline: that's a good idea!

Madeline: okay while she's at daycare I'll go get a toy for her and we can kinda of explain it to her tonight

Caroline: need sis to stay the night?

Madeline: yeah probably so! We'll have her without her Paci and Rhett to deal with tonight

Caroline: alright I'll stay over

Madeline: *picks Stella up from daycare*

Stella: mama! Luh wuh I got!

Madeline: what did you get!?

Stella: I got uh pahpa!

Madeline: oh wow what's on that paper?

Stella: dis! *shows Madeline a picture she drew*

Madeline: that is beautiful angel! It's going right on the fridge when we get home so everyone can see it!

Madeline: *talking to Mrs gracey* hey! Can I have Stella's pacifiers?

Mrs gracey: yeah of course! *grabs Stella's pacifiers*

Stella: paci!

Madeline: that's only for sleeping remember!

Mrs gracey: trying to ween her

Madeline: yes! She's almost 3 and still uses them to sleep.

Mrs Gracey: at least she's down to just sleeping with them and not using them all the time!

Madeline: yeah that's the good thing! We're gonna try tonight and see how that goes

Mrs Gracey: well good luck!

Madeline: thanks! We need it!

Stella: I wedy guh home mama

Madeline: okay baby we're going

Mrs Gracey: bye guys!

Madeline: bye! Stella say bye!

Stella: bah bye mih gacee

*go home*

Caroline: hey hey! Nanny's here!

Addy: and addy!

Madeline: my favorites!

Stella: yay!! *claps* cuh pay wit me ahdee!!

Addy: I'm coming!

*addy and Stella go play in Stella's room*

Jason: hey!

Madeline: hey babe *kisses* how was little buddy?

Jason: he's still napping

Madeline: that is one sleepy boy!

Jason: he's a growing dude!

Caroline: okay should we try to tell her now?

Madeline: yeah we try an explain it to her. Stella girl come see!

Stella: *runs to madeline* wuh mama?

Madeline: can you go get all of your pacis and bring them to mama please? Go find all of them!

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