Chapter 46: One cute date

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*Tara, Dana, Polly, Caroline, and Madeline and their family's all at Madeline's house*

Tara: how's Stella been adjusting to being a big sister?

Madeline: Um it hasn't been the easiest considering she doesn't understand what a sibling is, but she's so laid back which makes it much easier.

Dana: does she like him now?

Madeline: she does! She gets a little jealous sometimes when I hold him but I'll tell her we have to take turns. She waits patiently for her turn for mommy to hold her.

Polly: Sha baby! Yeah Laityn was always super independent so she never wanted me to hold her. That wasn't an issue for us it was the crying because Levi was so colicky!

Madeline: Rhett luckily isn't fussy which Stella wasn't really either. She's just having trouble learning how to share mommy.

Tara: how do you usually deal with that?

Madeline: If I'm feeding or changing him I'll ask her if she wants to help me out which she's always does. The only thing that's a problem is night.

Polly: same with us!!

Madeline: give us your tips! Because Stella's a pretty light sleeper and Rhett's pretty loud. Poor Stella starts crying "wet too wowd mama!"

Tara: aww Sha baby!

Dana: how do y'all juggle both of them crying at the same time?

Madeline: usually I'll take Stella and Jason will take Rhett. She's such a mommy's girl and he doesn't care haha!

Caroline: Rhett actually prefers the bouncer though!

Madeline: yeah he does!

*Rhett crying on the monitor*

Madeline: little dudes up! *goes get Rhett and comes back outside*

Polly: well good morning buddy!

Madeline: say hello everyone!

Tara: ooh give me that little nugget!

Madeline: *hands Rhett to tara*

Stella: *runs to madeline* mama I fow a piddy wot!

Madeline: oh my goodness! That is a pretty rock!

Caroline: wow Stella!

Madeline: Stella look who aunt T has!

Stella: *points to rhett* das wet!

Dana: that is Rhett!

Tara: do you love Rhett?

Stella: I yuv wet!

All: aww!!

Tara: that's so sweet Stella!!

Madeline: *puts Stella on her lap and kisses her* my sweet girl!

Polly: sweetest girl in town!

Addy: Stella come play with us!

Stella: otay ahdee *crawls down and goes see addy*

Tara: have you Jason and Stella had any time just the three of y'all?

Madeline: nope! Not since Rhett's been born.

Tara: aww y'all should take her somewhere just the three of you!

Madeline: I would really like to! I just don't know about leaving Rhett.

Caroline: he can come chill with us for the night!

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