Chapter 31: One new job!

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Madeline: *texts the crew to go to her house for dinner*

Caroline: *Calls Madeline*

Madeline: Hey!

Caroline: Are you pregnant again?

Madeline: Haha no!!

Caroline: dang it, you got me all excited

Madeline: sorry, no, I do have other big news though!

Caroline: okay we'll be there. Need me to bring anything?

Madeline: Um, maybe chips and dip?

Caroline: gotcha!

Madeline: see ya'll later

Caroline: bye

*dinner time comes and everyone comes over*

Caroline: chips and dip is here!

Madeline: yum!

Madeline: Jason's grilling in the back if ya'll wanna go sit out there?

Tara: yeah! and the kids can run around and play

Madeline: my mom got Stella a new little swing set so they can play on that if they want

*all go outside*

Stella: Add daah dee!! *runs to addy*

Addy: *gives Stella a hug*

Dana: look how much she's running around!

Madeline: I know! she's super energetic. She's all over the place!

Stella: *runs to Tara* Tah Tee! Tahtee!

Madeline: She's trying to say Aunt T

Tara: Aww my girl *Picks stella up* you're getting so big!

Madeline: I absolutely love this age! I can put her down and she can entertain herself and she still loves snuggles at night. Her little personality is the cutest!

Polly: She is already super friendly!

Madeline: She is!

*dinner is ready and everyone eats*

Daniel: delicious

Tara: That was very good Jason

Jason: thanks

Polly: okay so what's the big news Madeline?

Madeline: so...I just got a job as a interior designer!!!

*all cheering and excited*

Stella: *claps hands* yay mama!

*all laugh*

Madeline: yay!

Tara: so what kind of work are you going to do?

Madeline: So I will be going to the houses to get the exact layout and sizes, then go home and on the computer, there's a program that I can virtually design the house but with real products!

Dana: That sounds so fun!

Madeline: I know! and it pays pretty good!

Caroline: I'm so excited for you!

Madeline: thanks!!

Polly: what are you going to do with Stella?

Madeline: I'm going to try to have her home with me and she can just come with me when I go to the houses. It'll only be a 5 hour a day job.

Polly: If she gets to be too much or distracting, you can send her to daycare with Laityn. They would probably be in the same class!

Madeline: I'm gonna try her at home first. I'm still a little traumatized after her last daycare experience.

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