Chapter 16: One holy terror

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*phone rings*

Jason: *answers phone* hello?

Jillian: Jason it's me Jillian

Jason: hey big sis! How are you doing?

Jillian: I'm great! How are y'all? Long time no see

Jason: we are doing great

Jillian: so I was wondering if we could come down and visit y'all this week? Since we haven't seen y'all since Stella was born. We also need help with Reed's behavior...

Jason: of course! What's wrong with reed?

Jillian: Well he has always been pretty aggressive, but now that I'm pregnant it's been even harder to control him. Also we are going to be on an episode of Supernanny...

Jason: What!? that's so exciting!! So we are gonna be on too?

Jillian: If y'all want to! okay well I'll get some plane tickets and we'll fly in tomorrow night!

Jason: can't wait! I'll tell Madeline

Jillian: okay see you in two days!

Jason: bye

Jillian: bye

Jason: Madeline!

Madeline: hey what's up?

Jason: Jillian's coming in to visit in two days!

Madeline: exciting! Okay well need to clean the house up cause it's a wreck right now...

Jason: alright we can do that in the morning. They are staying for a week

Madeline: awesome! All of them are?

Jason: yes. Also we are gonna be on Supernanny!

Madeline: What now?

Jason: Reed is having really bad behavior and they can't get him under control. They need help especially before the new baby comes so they need to see how he works with other kids

Madeline: oh wow! I'm okay with that! I haven't seen him since we first started dating and he was 3!

Jason: yeah he got big

Madeline: aww I can't wait!

Jason: I'm excited too

Madeline: okay Stella's out like a light and I'm ready for bed too. Especially if we need to clean up and get food for the week tomorrow. 

Jason: okay good night honey

Madeline: goodnight

*go to sleep*

*next morning*

Madeline: *calls caroline*

Caroline: hey what's up?

Madeline: can you come over today? Jason's sister is coming in tonight and Jason and I need to clean the house and go grocery shopping before they come. Also we are gonna be on TV so we need to clean up!

Caroline: Woah wait... We are gonna be on TV? How awesome!

Madeline: yes we will be on Supernanny! Reed has super bad behavior and doesn't listen. Jill doesn't know how to discipline him and she is 2 months pregnant.

Caroline: Yay! Addy will be so excited. yeah that's fine! I'll be over in a few

Madeline: okay see you soon

Stella: *wakes up*

Madeline: *talking to Stella* you slept so good last night. Mommy is so happy! Let's go feed you breakfast.

One Crazy Life!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें