Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker

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Madeline: okay mamas sweet babies let's go take a bath and then we can watch a movie with addy

*Madeline gets kids in the tub*

Stella: mama wubba dudy says cack cack and wubba fog says wibbid wibbid!

Madeline: you're so right Stella! Good job baby

Rhett: wack wack!!

Madeline: who says quack quack?

Rhett: *holds rubber duck*

Madeline: good job bubba!

Stella: yah guh dob wet!

Caroline: how's that bath going?

Madeline: say nanny were learning animal sounds

Caroline: oh fun!

Stella: woah mama da wawda Id yeyo!

Madeline: *looks and noticed that Rhett peed in the bath*

Madeline: oh buddy! You tee teed in the bath!

Addy: *laughs*

Madeline: okay time to get out! *gets the kids out of the bath*

Madeline: buddy that's yucky!

Stella: piddy yeyo wawda!

*all laugh*

Madeline: that's pee pee Stella!

Stella: eww yuddy!

*gets kids dressed in their Jammie's and go watch movie*

Rhett: mama *goes snuggle with Madeline*

Madeline: hi sweet boy *snuggles Rhett and kisses him*

Stella: ah nuggle doo mama?

Madeline: of course honey!

Addy: Stella come snuggle with me!

Stella: oday ahdee *goes snuggle with addy*

*watch movie*

Madeline: okay he's out let me go put him down *brings Rhett to his crib*

Madeline: okay sweetie tell nanny and addy good night

Stella: guh nigh ahdee an nanny

Caroline: good night my girl

Madeline: okay we'll see yall later

*caroline and addy go home*

Madeline: okay sweetheart let's go to bed

Madeline: *puts Stella to bed*

*next day*

Madeline: *wakes Stella up* good morning sweetheart! Let's get dressed and go to school

Stella: *gets up and gets ready with Madeline*

Madeline: okay ready for school?

Stella: ah wedy

Madeline: alright! Let's go

*brings Stella to school*

Madeline: bye sweetie have a great day. Mommy loves you

Stella: bah by mama. Ah yuvoo

*madeline goes home*

Laityn: Stella!!

Stella: yay yay!

*stella goes sit at her table*

Mrs. Randy: good morning my friends! How are we today?

Kids: good

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