Chapter 7

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Current Outfit 

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The hallway pulses with the flow of students, each hurrying to their next class.

"That was so... exhilarating!" Meadow exclaims, shaking me with excitement.

"Really? It felt more like insufferable. Is she always like that?" I sigh.

"Yep! She was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, quite literally," Meadow laughs. "I've never seen anyone talk to her like that, except for Xrallia."

"Even I'm shocked," a voice says from behind us. I turn to see the black-haired girl and guy from earlier.

"Xrallia, Keno!" Meadow shouts, engulfing Xrallia in a tight hug.

"Can't... breathe," Xrallia manages between gasps.

"You must be either really crazy or really confident, but either way, we should be friends," Keno remarks, extending his hand.

"Missare," I introduce myself, shaking his hand firmly.

"Keno," he replies with a nod.

"Don't forget about me," Xrallia says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Xrallia Abse, nice to meet you. You definitely provided the highlight of my day."

"Glad I could entertain," I laugh.

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"I mean, I thought it was interesting enough to have a new student, but who knew you'd steal the spotlight from the jerk," she remarks.

"Are you guys really that bothered by her?" I question.

"Bothered?" Xrallia laughs. "Never. She's just the duck that doesn't realize it's not a swan," she says with a more serious tone.

"Calm down, you're going to scare away our new friend," Keno intervenes, placing a hand on Xrallia's shoulder, prompting her to take a deep breath.

"Anyway... it's not that we're bothered by her. It's her family that's intimidating," Xrallia explains.

"Who's her family?" I ask. Everyone freezes, turning to look at me.

"Um... should I not have asked that?" I raise my hands as if surrendering. 

"Uh, is she alright in the head?" Xrallia says, appalled.

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