Chapter 4

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Current Outfit

Current Outfit

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As I breathe in, the sweet aroma of flowers fills the air, harmonizing with the gentle melody of running water. Before me, unfolds a scene straight out of a masterpiece painting: forest creatures roam freely while I stand in awe. Just beyond, nestled along a narrow path, lies the quaint town that hosts our school.

As I stand up, I let my fingers glide over the soft petals of the daisies, relishing their delicate fragrance and cherishing a moment of peace

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As I stand up, I let my fingers glide over the soft petals of the daisies, relishing their delicate fragrance and cherishing a moment of peace. The laughter of children dancing nearby brings a smile to my face as I continue my journey through the heart of the town.

Taking in the sights, I'm drawn to the various shops showcasing their wares. The alluring scent of freshly baked pastries captivates my senses, momentarily distracting me, until the grumble of my stomach reminds me of my hunger. With a soft chuckle, I gently pat my stomach, realizing it's been quite some time since I last snacked on something delicious.

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I scan my surroundings, following the irresistible aroma of the bakery. It leads me to the front of a charming store adorned with buckets of flowers and crowned by a small sign that reads "Mystic Morsels." The scent intensifies, tantalizing my senses and prompting my mouth to water.

Stepping inside, I observe a handful of patrons delighting in their meals, engrossed in lively conversation.

"Hi there, welcome!" a young girl calls out cheerfully, beckoning me over with a wave.

"Hello," I respond warmly.

"What can I get you? Something sweet, savory, or perhaps a bit of both?" she asks in a rapid succession.

"Oh, um..." I hesitate, eyeing the array of tempting treats, from tantalizing apple nobs to the enchanting allure of chocolate Enchanted ChocoGems. My gaze drifts to the cake counter, where a decadent chocolate strawberry cake catches my eye.

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