Chapter 5

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Outfit is still the same

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He strides over to me, lowering himself to meet my gaze

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He strides over to me, lowering himself to meet my gaze. I instinctively retreat, feeling a surge of self-consciousness wash over me, uncertain of his intentions.

" bear a striking resemblance to them," he remarks, gently patting my head. Caught off guard, I watch as he ambles towards the refreshments, his actions leaving me at a loss for words.

"You know, I never anticipated your parents calling in that favor, but it seems the time has finally arrived," he muses, returning with a drink in hand and settling onto the opposite couch.

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"My parents...are they..." I whisper not wanting to say it, grappling for understanding amidst the sudden revelation. His expression shifts to one of perplexity.

"Honestly, I haven't the foggiest notion of their whereabouts, but rest assured, those old coots are far from dead," he reassures with a chuckle, only to pause at the sight of my concerned expression, his laughter tapering off into an uncomfortable silence.

"Apologies, I realize this is quite overwhelming for you. Shall we start afresh?" he suggests, his tone more composed. I nod.

"I am Headmaster Yok, although I'm sure you're already aware. I'm a longstanding friend of your family. Your parents once saved my life, and I've been indebted to them ever since," he explains, a hint of gratitude coloring his words.

"As for your parents...there's much afoot in their lives. They have pressing matters to attend to, which is why you've been entrusted to my care for the time being," he concludes, his gaze steady and reassuring.

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"So they'll return eventually?" I inquire, a glimmer of hope evident in my voice.

"Without a doubt," he assures, taking a sip of his drink. With his reassurance, the weight of worry lifts, replaced by a flood of relief.

"I heard you were raised far from conventional society, but your parents made sure you received a comprehensive education, correct?" he inquires further.

"Yes, my parents subjected me to an extensive learning regimen," I confirm with a wistful sigh.

"Excellent. Then you should be well-prepared to join us," he remarks, before calling out, "Synthia!" In response, a striking woman enters, bearing a sizable suitcase which she places on the table.

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