"I have a plan and this thing will come in handy" She told them, pointing at the electric weapon that Erica still held onto.


ROSIE CAME UP WITH a genius plan that could get Steve and Robin our of trouble. The three of them were hidden behind a barrel that was inches away from the room Steve and Robin were being held in.

Roseanne found it relatively easy to find them, however, the plan to get them out was the most difficult.

The room Steve and Robin was in had two doors to enter and exit, both were guarded by two guards each plus the people inside the room. They needed a distraction, that's where Erica came into play.

After checking if the coast was clear, Rosie gave her the thumbs up signal. Erica nodded her head, pulling the container of green substance out of her bag, unscrewing the lid and pouring the goo onto the floor.

She hopped over the goo to avoid touching it as she stayed for a minute to watch the goo melt into the floor, "Woah" She whispered in amazement before crawling her way back into the hiding spot.

"You ready?" Rosie looked over at the other two. Dustin nodded his head as Erica clutched tightly onto the weapon from earlier, giving a firm, confident nod.

They waited a while and less than five minutes later, emergency alarms started to blare, causing the guards from both doors to run away.

Dustin was beginning to submerge from the hiding spot but Rosie pulled his arm back down. "What are you--"

"Shh" She shushed him quickly. As she did, a man in a different uniform than the other guards walked through the door, with one addition guard in a regular uniform behind him.

"Okay, c'mon" She urged them as they all got up from their hiding spot rushed themselves into the room.

Dustin screamed as he pressed the button and moved it towards the doctor, who remained in the room. The man yelped in pain, tumbling to the floor.

They couldn't tell if the guy was unconscious or dead but at the moment, none of them cared.

Rosie and Dustin both worked together to help untie Robin and Steve, who were strapped down to their chairs. "Hey! Henderson! That's crazy, I was just talking about you!"

As she finished untying Robin, Rosie looked at the blond haired girl and Steve. Something about them seemed off and she noticed how weird they were acting.

"Get ready to run" Dustin directed as he finished up untying Steve. Dustin was taking longer so Rosie moved towards him to help him as Erica peeked through the window of the door, keeping lookout.

"Uh oh" Steve's grin disappeared as both Rosie and Dustin's eyes were trained on the knots in Steve's restrains. They ignored him as their main focus was getting out of there.

"WATCH OUT!" Erica screamed, point at the something behind them. To that, Rosie whipped around and the doctor who was once on the ground was standing up, holding the weapon Dustin subconsciously dropped on the floor when he started untying Steve.

Roseanne didn't have any time to react before the man pushed the electrical weapon towards her, shoving it in her shoulder. Rosie screamed in agony, the pain pulsating through her body.

Erica acted quickly, picking up a metal pan that was on the table and whacking the man in the head with it as he tumbled to the ground.

Rose dropped to the floor, holding onto her now bloodied shoulder to stop the bleeding.

"Rosie!" Dustin panicked, "Shit, are you okay?"

Tears streamed down her eyes, her throat turned dry, restraining her from answering. Dustin wrapped her arm around his shoulders, lifting her off the floor. "We gotta go!"

My Rose | M. WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now