Chapter 2: Couldn't judge my father's character

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My father always had a habit of recording his secret documents in his journal because he had a faint memory of codes and signs. So, I noticed that he used to carry a leather journal whenever he went to the church or met his family. He is asleep now, and one advantage is that he never wakes up if he sleeps. I went slowly downstairs, crossed the glass hallway. Suddenly, a small shadow silhouetted behind the sofa. I was not scared because I knew that's my pet dog, Haepi, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog bought by father last summer as a return gift from the UK. But still, he was with me following to dad's office; I hope he never barks. We entered his office silently, and I used a torch for the safer side. I started searching for clues about the group. I searched the drawer, the tabletop, his cupboard, even the sink cupboard, but every single document was all about Lee Groups. I found one document which had divorce papers. Shockingly, it was for my aunt Ari. But why is she getting a divorce when she loves her husband a lot? But the papers showed that it's a mutual divorce. I nearly spent every single spring break with them, and he used to be so nice then why is he getting a divorce, that too with my aunt? And my uncle is a very good person; also, he came to the dinner, and they were looking as usual as a well-mannered couple. Wait, I am confused about this matter, so I scanned the document for further reference. Now it's time to search about the bully gang. I was expecting a secret alley in his office, so I slid every single book in his cupboard. But couldn't find any. That's so silly of me. Suddenly, Haepi pulled his tee and showed a medium-sized golden box. I had already seen where it would have six letters which dad asked me to keep there and the pin in one five six two. So, I had an intention to open it which was little suspicious. I checked it had the same six letters, but the last letter wasn't the same because I remember that I had torn the corner edge of the letter. Also, it was from my father's dear friend and all the first five personal letters were read by me and the business letter was read by his secretary too as he had an eye surgery a month ago. That made me open the sixth unfamiliar letter. The paper was so different; it was made by grape waste. When I opened, I saw it was blank and guessed that's a trap letter which can only be read through sunlight. So, I exchanged the letter with grape paper of my book and went back to sleep waiting for the sun to rise. I couldn't figure out what the letter was about. It was the morning which I expected when I tried to open the letter someone was knocking the door. It was my mom who thought that I was sleeping. I wished her, and she called the maid to clean my room, so I suddenly took all my books and the letter into my bag. I was stuck in a situation that I couldn't read it. I was getting ready for school then I got a spark about the security camera in his office, so I ran fast to try to delete even though he doesn't have the habit of checking it. I went to his office as he was sincerely reading the newspaper in the garden. I went and opened as he used the same pin code for everything. I opened and successfully deleted it and then hid the letter box under his side table which he never uses. Also, the divorce papers I kept them neatly. That's the aftermath of watching detective movies of all languages during weekends. That helped me today. I packed my bag and caught my bus, and aunt started her last part of her love story which was a little unrealistic but amazing. I got down and entered the school and saw Mr. Janus, the god of transitions, that's my friend-type teacher Si Woo. He saw me and smiled and wished good morning, Mr. Chatty. Do I talk more? Well yes, but how dare he! We went together into the school talking about the breezy climate and yesterday's homework. We were talking too much as if we had some past connection. And he asked me to accompany him for lunch today also. I said, "Okay, Mr. Janus" and went to the class. I was waiting for the morning break because the letter is very important to me. When the break bell rang, I went with my bag to the rooftop to read the letter. As I went and showed it to the sun, still the letter was blank. Suddenly, I heard a voice that must be the Khaza letter technique, which was followed by the Soun Era, and it was from Si woo. He briefed me that we need to use the solution of saint to view the letter. I asked him what's the solution of saint; he said it's a solution where you mix citric acid with basil leaves and then show it in the sunlight. I believed him as he did the history major. After going home, I took all the ingredients, mixed them, and sprayed them on the letter to uncover the secret. Finally, I got the words: "Mr. Lee, what you wished for is going to happen; you will get him as your sister wished. 'The Morpheus Dreamers' has successfully completed its work. So, we expect a good pay - Leader Chax." My eyes widened, and my heart raced. Who is he and she? Wait, is it Hu Won and Ari? I need to uncover the other face of my dad. "The Morpheus Dreamers" is still unlocatable; what is his context about? I feel insecure in my own house! Why does life pull its blade on me? I couldn't wait. Will I get more information if I get his journal?

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