Lillian tossed her phone to the side not wanting to read any more from Isabel as she saw Serenity looking at her in the most lustful way as she said, "Yes?"

Serenity blushed shyly replying, "Sorry, I just am so amazed at how you handle your situations no matter how hard they are, are those text from someone you know?"

Lillian nodded her head yes responding, "It is a classmate I knew before I came here she just checks in on me."

Serenity nodded understanding as she lowered to Lillian's ear replying, "I used to have a crush on a co- worker before coming out here so no worries I know the situation you are referring too."

Lillian looked into Serenity's eyes profoundly holding her breath as their lips were inches apart replying, "I...I...uh...."

Serenity put her hand on Lillian's lip responding, "Shhhh."

Serenity lightly placed her lips on Lillian as Lillian fell in sync with hers feeling herself getting pushed down on the bed. Lillian pushed Serenity off softly saying, "I am sorry we can't right now, I just got out of a bad relationship."

Serenity sighed nodding knowing the feeling replying, "I did too with my best friend."

Isabel sighed massively conflicting with herself on what to do about her feelings with Lillian she loved her deeply yet Isabel seemed to get jealous quickly for no reason. Faith lightly knocked on Isabel's door saying, "Can I come in Isabel?"

Isabel got up and answered her door replying, "No, stay right there what do you want?"

Faith lowered her head responding, "I got your homework and needed to talk with you."

Isabel sighed moving out of the way for Faith to come in. Faith walked in saying, "Isabel, I am so sorry about last night it's just I liked another girl until you came along and up that story about the cheerleader to your attention."

Isabel smiled gracefully touching Faith replying, "Don't play hard to get with me and if we are going to date we are going to need to hide it from here."

Faith nodded leaning into Isabel's hand as a knock startled them both as they stepped away from each other as Dale walked in saying, "Well look at this Isabel you can clean a room. Also grounded for sneaking out to see Lillian on curfew. Faith you need to stay away from her for your protection, we will be doing prayers for you both on better paths."

Faith looked at her father then at Isabel replying, "Dad, I never mind I forgot."

Dale kissed Faith on the forehead responding, "It's okay princess, I'm heading to work, have a good evening you two."

Dale left the room lightly leaving the door open a bit as Faith whispered, "Now what Isabel my parents are now determined to keep us apart because of you being a bad influence."

Isabel lightly touched Faith again whispering in her ear, "I can find us hiding spots outside of here, and outside of school, we just have to leave an hour apart and meet somewhere secluded from friends an all."

Faith whispered back, "We would have the house to ourselves the days my parents work full time."

Isabel nodded then turned her head just enough to look into Faith's beautiful eyes an tracing her fingers down Faith's body whispering, "I never realized how beautiful you are."

Faith blushed a deep red.

Lillian looked at Serenity saying,

"I am sorry for pushing you away it is just I am not sure how to react with another woman since my ex-girlfriend, I love her with all my heart yet she has made it more difficult for me to love her because she has become so rebellious since we got here."

Serenity grabbed Lillian by the hand guiding her to the bedroom with one small kiss on the lips replying,

"I know you'll never be over her as I won't be over mine yet I know you are attracted to me because you kiss back with passion, I admit I am crazy about you, I just don't want to ruin a good thing."

Lillian kissed Serenity softly then released responding, "I do find you very's am not sure how to feel towards you since you are my roommate and we just met honestly."

Serenity guided Lillian a little further to the room as they reached the room Serenity placed Lillian on the bed and sitting beside her replying, "I just want you happy Lillian is all I want to see even if it is with me or someone else."

Lillian sighed as she laid down on the bed replying,

"How about this I will let you stay here as long as we don't interfere with each other's emotions until we know each other more. I get that you are lesbian too and enjoy movies as much as I do plus a cook and caregiver it's just I still need to see if my ex will move on too because um...she turns eighteen soon and we planned on getting married."

Serenity back away slowly responding, "Wait, you made a promise to this girl, I am guessing she is the one who smacked you across the face. Seriously Lillian, I rather you with me at least I am close to your age, and this girl is still young for heaven sake's for all you know, she could have moved on by now herself."

Lillian shook her head not believing that responding, "No, not Isabel she is a special kind of love with me and her, we may fight, but she'd never leave me for another girl her age because most of them don't even appreciate her one bit. Plus Serenity didn't you say you dated your best friend before you came out here?"

Serenity sat back down beside Lillian replying, "Yes her name was Mariah she was a beauty with the most loving features of a redhead and a sparky one at that, she was one of a kind." Lillian smiled with giggles responding, "See, so you know how it feels to be in my shoes in that aspect of love."

All of a sudden a knock on the door startled them both as Lillian got up and ran to the door opening to see it was Isabel holding Faith's hand saying, "Hey Lillian, I came by here to let you meet my girlfriend Faith isn't she just a beauty."

Lillian gawked with her mouth open replying, "Um....hi"

Serenity came up behind Lillian with a smile and kiss on the cheek responding, "Hey Isabel and Faith welcome, I am Serenity, Lillian's roommate, and girlfriend, you just interrupted us we were in the middle of a deep conversation, what is going on girls?"

Isabel smiled at Serenity replying, "Oh just came by to see if you two wanted to double date see a movie together since the night is young."

Lillian shook her head no then walked off as Serenity responded, "Sorry no thanks Isabel, we are setting the place up still enjoy your evening."

Serenity closed the door and rushed to Lillian's side holding her as she could hear the sobs coming from her eyes.

Isabel still holding Faith's hand smiled saying, "Well looks like it is just us."

Faith stood their still realizing Isabel just hurt Lillian on purpose making her jealous and could see it in the woman's eyes as Faith let go of Isabel's hand replying, "I am heading back home, I don't feel like going out now and not with you, see you later."

Faith walked off letting Isabel stand there as she ran over to Faith saying, "What did I do wrong now?"

Faith turned pushing Isabel against the wall of the apartment complex replying, "You made Lillian jealous with me on purpose to be selfish, and yet I am sure she is crying because of this mess you caused again."

Isabel looked down at the ground responding, "As you could tell that Serenity chick likes Lillian so they should be happy, she doesn't need me come on."

Faith held Isabel in place against the wall feeling her hormones rage. Isabel is hard to keep a grudge on they just became friends too as she replied,

"Isabel, you and Lillian are in love it's not that easy for her to fall in love with another woman including Serenity yeah that woman is smoking hot but Lillian is in love with you, and you are letting her go because you seem to think me and you are the perfect item."

Isabel grabbed Faith's arm in sync responding, "I am in love with you and Lillian that is why I am so messed up."

Dating Miss. Lillian Winning Her Heart: Volume 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ