Isabel laughed pushing herself inside then closing the door replying, "Baby, I am here to see you, man this place is smoking you got a flat screen television, fancy furniture, looks like back home for sure. The family is at home watching a movie since Faith got over the fact that I am not prissy as much yet she is a good friend knowing her a bit more without being so stubborn. Now babe let me say this whatever you got planned this evening I'm up for it hell we made love multiple times before coming here---"

Lillian covered Isabel's mouth responding,

"Will you settle down for five minutes one minute you are pissed off next you are a sweetheart, I don't get it and sneaking out here to see me don't help to get on the good side of your new family those are my friends you need to respect them. I have nothing planned this evening except for to read more of my book that I showed you the day before now get back to the family before I call them up." Isabel shoved Lillian on the couch kissing her with passion Lillian shoved Isabel off and knocking her to the floor saying,

"Enough Isabel we aren't doing any more until I am more settled and comfortable plus you got school tomorrow an looks like I get to go to a different school then you for teaching so I need to get my studying in for what I am doing as a new teacher." Isabel stood up and brushed off as she responded,

"This is why I am changing so no one can push me around not even you Lillian, I am going back and don't expect me to return for a few days until you realize all I wanted to do is celebrate an evening with you that is too much even to do. Good night."

Lillian saw Isabel slam the door startled by what Isabel wanted and the whole aspect of her changing is because of everyone bossing her around yet she isn't even a full-fledged adult she still has a lot of learning. Lillian shakes her head then strips down getting into the shower feeling so awful about the situation knowing that they needed to celebrate coming into a new life and home for them both. She has been so exhausted her body hasn't had time to recharge as she placed the heat on her back in the shower her cell phone went off again. Lillian rushed out shutting off the water and dried off as she opened the text from Isabel again:

"What a mighty fine way to end the evening at least I saw you naked in the shower before leaving back to my new family, next time I see you, you better be ready for a good, nice making love because I am turned on by your beauty. Oh yes, next time babe close your curtains, so no man or woman walks in on you or peeps. I love you, see you soon."

Lillian looked at her window sure enough her curtains were wide open, she got dressed in a tank top, and shorts then closed all the curtains around the apartment. Lillian grabbed a cup of hot tea with milk and sugar then searched through the television finding a sweet love story even if it's a straight couple it makes her happy seeing all they go through. As she sets her tea down on the table she see's her book and starts rereading it then about halfway through it her phone went off a third time seeing it's Isabel she read the message:

"Lillian, baby, I am sorry for being rude forgetting that you needed your rest and to recharge since you barely slept on both flights just remember I am always here for you an once again I am sorry. Have a good night, text me tomorrow during my lunch hour I'll be waiting. I love you, my sweet lover and wife, to be."

Lillian set the phone down back on her side table then walked around her empty apartment realizing she needed a roommate to hang out with while her and Isabel are apart that was when it hit her she got online listing information an finding a roommate that will not separate her and Isabel. She got offline soon after posting then headed to bed in her new room which was just as lovely with a queen size bed with red silk sheets and pillows. As Lillian stripped down an laid down in the layers, felt herself more aroused all of a sudden, so Lillian decided to slip back on her clothes and sleep in the living room because that bedroom didn't help her hormones any an without Isabel it didn't feel right. She fell asleep instantly on the couch an slept well rest the evening.

Isabel got into the shower washing off her make up an everything from texting an seeing Lillian realizing that she had been such a fool for treating Lillian like an idiot when the woman is older than her. As she got out of the shower got dressed in her pink silk nightgown then wears out of it and find a pink cotton one instead realizing maybe having pink in her room isn't so bad just needs to turn it down to a soft pink, not hot pink. Isabel opened her door to find Faith laying there in tears still as she lifted Faith into her room placing on her bed she whispered in her ear saying, "Faith, Faith this is Isabel can you wake up?"

Faith stirred speaking in her sleep, "I love you, Isabel, you are my everything."

Isabel backed away knowing this couldn't be happening as she reached over shaking Faith awake as Faith woke up wide apart saying, "What, what?!"

Isabel sat down on the bed replying, "You are attracted to me, aren't you? You just had a dream about me and said you loved me."

Faith stumbled to get up deciding on getting up an sat still beside Isabel replying, "Um...I..."

Isabel looked at Faith whispering, "I will not tell you're folks that you are lesbian or bisexual but be honest with yourself are you into girls like me?"

Faith looked out the window then looked back at Isabel whispering again, "I am...I am...uh...I got to go; we got to go to school in the morning. Welcome to our home."

Isabel saw Faith bolt out the bedroom door an hearing her panting quietly against hers across the hall as Isabel got up went across the room an listened to Faith crying saying to herself,

"I am in love with girls, and the one to reach out to me lives in the same house, I can't be attracted to girls no way I love my boyfriend I do I love him or do I? please someone help me, tell me what is wrong?"

Isabel knocked on the door lightly in a low voice saying,"Faith, please open up I want to talk to you as a friend."

Sadie comes up behind Isabel placing her hand on her lower back as she says, "What is wrong with Faith? Why are you two still up?"

Isabel took a deep breath replying, "Cara, I just need to talk to her about something going on at school tomorrow that I am unsure about, is it okay?"

Sadie nodded then headed back to bed as Faith rushed Isabel in by tugging her arms whispering, "You lied to my mother, why?"

Isabel smiled whispering back, "You need to figure out who you are an then tell them yourself who you are and what you feel."

Faith smiled then wiping her tears from her face whispering, "I just don't know which is true do I love my boyfriend or am I becoming you an Lillian?"

Isabel giggled softly whispering, "You are you and if you weren't attracted or in love with your boyfriend then looks like you are lesbian your boyfriend is a cover-up. When you are in the locker room are girls more attractive to you?"

Faith nodded whispering, "I have a big crush on a cheerleader yet she doesn't see me and has a boyfriend that is a jock."

Dating Miss. Lillian Winning Her Heart: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now