Isabel grabbed her bag and sprinted to Trinities urgently as she texts Lillian saying, "I love you too, and I'll stay with Trinity until I am eighteen this was too close to call, you are right."

Lillian deleted the message and gave the lady a look saying, "Okay, she left to her girlfriends, and you are who?"

The woman grabbed hold of Lillian kissing her replying, "I am Sabrina, the teacher that is always by the coffee pot never saying a word until I called you."

Lillian released herself from Sabrina responding, "Wait? you are the one always watching me and took notes on everything I did; now you are going to put me in jail if I did anything with Isabel as I am sure you have had a male student crush on you before."

Sabrina laughed also keeping a steady face replying, "No, actually was a female just like your case though that student moved away, miss her but wasn't worth it, you are risking it all for this student, and it isn't love."

Lillian didn't like Sabrina the same way she did Isabel made her felt uncomfortable, she knew though it was for the best to keep separate from Isabel since Isabel had Trinity for another two years and that hurt Lillian especially never knowing when Grace would be returning. Lillian looked into Sabrina's eyes saying, "Then we are risking our jobs being together too, either way, you're crush came back and me being with mine?"

Sabrina smiled at Lillian looking deep into her tender heart of gold replying, "I would rather us lose our jobs than the students suffering for their love."

Lillian felt a turn in her stomach as she held on to Sabrina with every pressure she could responding, "Sabrina, I feel bad for the girls we both love though this isn't fair to them at all."

Sabrina felt the pain Lillian is going through every way as she whispered in Lillian's ear, "I feel the same."

Lillian got lost in Sabrina's eyes not sure what to do now it'll lose her job, either way, Sabrina's vibrant blue eyes that melted her instantly especially the gorgeous redheaded curls that made her felt so compelled to speak.

Sabrina couldn't resist it anymore she grabbed on to Lillian tighter making a swerve move to have her close to the floor and plants a kiss on Lillian again.

Lillian held on to Sabrina hearing her thoughts scream for Isabel, Sabrina lifted Lillian too, Lillian's room then locking the door behind them as Sabrina placed Lillian on the bed saying, "Well isn't this a surprise you're letting me make love to you."

Lillian still could feel her head screaming as she saw her phone on the nightstand wanting to text Isabel to at least check on her when she heard the door close silently listening to Isabel whisper to Trinity,

"Lillian must be busy with her guest; we will just go to my room and enjoy a movie until we fall asleep."

Lillian heard them quietly go to her room listening to the movie; they didn't make a sound. Lillian tossed Sabrina to the side saying, "Sorry, Sabrina this doesn't feel right now that the girls are back."

Sabrina tossed Lillian on top of her reply, "They are lesbian come on they probably already done it."

Lillian tossed Sabrina off once again responding, "No, they haven't, and we aren't either."

Sabrina sat up frustrated not understanding how they get so close then Lillian denies her instantly she wanted to take Lillian right there, but she decided to get off the bed and leave before she made a mistake telling Lillian, "I will call you later."

Lillian nodded knowing she pissed Sabrina off though she wanted it slow to show an example to Isabel and Trinity since they both taught her slow is best not to rush. Lillian heard the front door slam from

Sabrina leaving that was when she heard Isabel rush into the bedroom saying, "Lillian, you okay?"

Lillian smiled replying, "Yes, I am fine Isabel go back to Trinity, I am going to shower and watch a movie then call it a night since Sabrina is mad at me for not making love to her right then and there."

Isabel ran up to Lillian giving her a hug responding,

"I will make you, Trinity and myself some hot chocolate tonight too for you a silent rest will be much needed and also wanted to thank you for rescuing me, by the way, teaching me a lesson, I do love Trinity as the young lady she is."

Trinity walked in behind silently hearing Isabel replying, "I love you too Isabel."

Isabel turned around her cheeks turning a deep red from what Trinity heard then set back to Lillian, "I will go make the chocolate now, hope you will join Trinity and me out in the living room for a girls night."

Lillian liked the sound of that replied, "Sounds good, let me shower and you girls set up the living room."

The girls rushed out holding hands, giggling to one another enjoying the idea. Lillian got her shower joining Trinity and Isabel in the living room for a beautiful movie which looked like Princess Diaries didn't surprise Lillian she does have a teen in her home. Isabel gave Lillian the hot chocolate whispering, "Hope you like it added a little something to yours."

Isabel sat down in the middle of Trinity and Lillian; Trinity cuddled next to Isabel. Lillian tried so hard to keep her hands to herself especially on her hot chocolate though her hormones were screeching through the roof more than before when Sabrina was there with her. Lillian put down her hot chocolate on the side table seeing that the girls were still in a daze with the movie, She got up from the couch slowly walking away from the sofa to head back to the bedroom in silence leaving the girls alone. Trinity looked over at Isabel saying, "Is our teacher Miss Lillian going to be okay? I feel bad that her guest left her alone tonight."

Isabel looked into Trinity's gray eyes with her beautiful black hair replying, "How about I walk you home, and I'll talk to Lillian?"

Trinity knew that this is the best option nodding as the girls turned off the movie then headed out the door with their jackets holding hands all the way to next road over to take Trinity where she needed to be. Isabel gave Trinity a sweet passionate kiss whispering to her, "I will see you in school tomorrow." Trinity nodded rushing inside before her parents caught her kissing Isabel. Isabel ran back to the apartment before it got too late. Isabel got to the apartment in time unlocking the door, getting inside re-locking it, placing her jacket on the hook and see's Lillian in the kitchen with her hot chocolate back in her hand. Isabel quietly came up behind Lillian whispering, "Are you okay?"

Lillian looked like she been crying shaking her head no in the process saying, "I told Sabrina it isn't going to work she was moving to fast for me."

Isabel stepped back slowly letting Lillian turn around, Isabel sighed replying, "So, now what are you going to do? because we can't be together, you will lose everything, and Trinity doesn't have a clue about us."

Lillian placed her hot chocolate back down grabbing Isabel by the hand guiding her back to the couch sitting her down responding,

"I do not know how much longer I can keep pushing you away and also I'd have to quit my job, on top of it I am not sure what Trinity will do since you both admitted you loved each other tonight in front of me."

That just then happened Isabel got a text from Trinity. She read it to herself as it said this, "Isabel, I decided this isn't going to work especially you living with our English teacher it is just too creepy, I have to end this I am sorry."

Isabel handed the phone to Lillian looking at one another unsure of what just happened. Isabel texted Trinity back being okay with it that both ladies went to bed in silence instead of reaching for one another for at least a hug. They could hear one another cry in separate rooms at every other hour, Lillian kept hold of her hot chocolate that whole night by taking small sips.

Dating Miss. Lillian Winning Her Heart: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now