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"Ooh this place is nice" Rudra said, "I told you" Tanay said, "the person who will catch the most fishes will be the winner the loser need to pay for today's dinner at restaurant" Aarav said, "you will lose for sure" Yash said to aarav, "blah blah-" Aarav stopped in the middle and was really surprised after seeing something "why do you look like tha-" Yash looked at the direction aarav was looking at only to see ishita and her friends. Then Tanay, Abhimanyu and Avyaan also looked at that direction and they all were amazed by their beauty.

Oh Laisha....... She looks amazing in that dress and the way she is smiling... I can feel my heart melt (blushing) I'm fake dating her but I think now I want our relationship to be real. I'm falling in love!I found.... I found.... I found my moon! Ahh so this is the feeling of love.

That chudail (ishita) kinda looks...... Ah! What I'm thinking their is no way that's the chudail I fought with.... But she does looks like her (yash didn't realize but his ears are already really red).

It's the first time I saw her (priya) laugh... Her smile is pretty she should laugh often..... But she keeps glaring at me who knows if she give me that pretty smile I would stop annoying and fighting with her.

I know laisha is pretty but today she looks even more prettier.... The more I see her the more I fall for her, does she feel the same?.

Wait isn't she saanvi??? (Blushing after realizing it's saanvi) she looks gorgeous! I do love her but what's the point I don't think she will ever like me, there is no way a pretty girl like her will for me. To not get hurt, it's best to just love her from afar.

Pari looks like real pari today. (Blushing) I never ever felt like complementing anyone but now I do want to always complement someone and it's pari. (Saw pari laughing with her friends) Oh no I am falling in love.


"Guys I think I will lose today" Aarav said, "why do you think so?" Yash asked, "I don't think I will be able to focus on fishing" Aarav said while looking at laisha, "me neither" Abhimanyu said while looking at Saanvi.

They were so focused on their girls that they didn't saw Aman and dhruv with them but they finally noticed them.

"Who the fuck are those 2 boys?" Yash asked where pointing at aman and dhruv, "they seem close with the girls...." Abhimanyu said with jealousy clearly seen in his face. Then Aarav saw Laisha and dhruv taking a selfie while their bodies were really close and dhruv's hand was on laisha's shoulder "get your hands off my girlfriend you bastard!!!" Aarav yelled and everyone was shocked and the girls heard him too since he was so loud they could hear it from afar. Then the girls looked at the direction where the boys where at and the boys just acted like they were busy doing fishing, chatting etc.

"Why the hell are they here" Priya said, "just ignore them" Ishita said. Priya and ishita were really annoyed to see rudra and yash but saanvi, Laisha and Pari had no problem.

"We should take alot of pictures today" Saanvi said, "yeah then first girls, dhruv take photos of us" Pari said, then they click many photos in different poses while the boys (mls) are watching from afar admiring in secret. "Now take photos of me and laisha, one of my new friend in our class have crush on laisha I will show him the pic to make him jealous" Dhruv said, "then do a romantic pose your friend will burn like fire, his reaction will be fun to watch" Priya said, "what pose should we do?" Dhruv asked, "how about you two hugg each other from the side" Ishita said, "I don't have problem but if laisha is uncomfortable then we can just do normal pose" Dhruv said, "it's ok I'm comfortable with you we are close friends anyway" Laisha said, then they did the pose to click the pic.

"What?!!!! What are they doing?! This is too much" Aarav said and took his phone out and called laisha without thinking. After laisha phone rang they broke their hug so that laisha could pick up the call. Laisha was shock after seeing Aarav calling her, "hello?" Laisha said, "stay away from that boy" Aarav said, at first laisha was confused what he was talking about but then she realised that he was talking about her hug with dhruv, "why?" She asked, "if you don't, you will never get to see him again he will be dea-" Aarav was cut off in the middle by Tanay, Tanay snatch his phone from him "umm sorry laisha I think aarav called you by accident he was actually about to call someone else" Tanay said, "ohh ok" Laisha said, "then I will cut the phone now" Tanay said and the call ended.

"Bro why did you do that?" Aarav asked, "you were about to say things which will look like you are jealous" Tanay said, "yeah I am" Aarav said and everyone's jaw dropped after hearing him then aarav blushed after he realised what he just said, "i-i mean.... " Aarav was out of excuses, "you fell for her didn't you?" Rudra asked, "I think so" Aarav said while scratching his head, "so are you gonna tell her?" Abhimanyu asked, "I don't think it's the right time, she still doesn't have feelings for me I guess" Aarav said, "what if she never grow feelings for you?" Tanay asked, "I don't think that will ever happen since I have already decided to try my best to win her heart" Aarav said, hearing that Tanay got tense.

What should I do now? Will she ever choose me over aarav? I don't think so but Tanay Don't give up you still have a little chance.... Don't give up.


"Umm actually I have a confession too...." Abhimanyu said, "what?" Yash asked, "soooo you guys know Saanvi right?" Abhimanyu asked, "laisha's friend?" Aarav asked, "yeah" Abhimanyu said and everyone nodded to confirm they know her. "Sooo I think I have been having a crush on her for a while" Abhimanyu said, and again everyone's jaw dropped.

"That's nice now in the future we can go on double dates" Aarav said while keeping his arm on abhimanyu's shoulder, "now that I think about it nicely.... I like laisha, abhimanyu likes saanvi that probably means rudra likes Priya, yash likes ishita and avyaan likes pari, am I right?! I am right" Aarav said, "you are so wrong! I don't know about them but I don't like Priya or whatever at all!" Rudra yelled, "oh please, just accept it bro I can clearly see love in your eyes when you look at her" Aarav said, "s-same goes for me i-i hate ishita!" Yash said, "why are your ears red then" Aarav said, "I'm not sure if it's love but I do feel comfortable around pari and she is the first person except my family and you guys whom doesn't hate me" Avyaan said, "so she is your comfort zone??" Aarav asked, "kinda" Avyaan said, "hmm ok but who does our tanay babu loves?" Aarav asked, in tanay's mind he said laisha's name "no one" Tanay said, but he said no one in front of everyone since he doesn't wanted to reveal it.

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