betrayal - dick grayson

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You were about to do something you never wanted to do - betray Dick and the rest of the team.

This wasn't meant to happen. You weren't meant to get so attached to them but it happened and everything was really starting to set in. The emotions, the memories, the realisation, everything.

This had all started as a task that your father had assigned you: join the Titans, gather information about them and report back to him. You never would've expected it'd all go so wrong. When you first met Dick and Kory, you were 'fighting' your father. They had seen what was happening and stepped in to help you. Your father ended up escaping and running away as part of the plan. After the fight, Dick came up to you, asking whether you'd like to join the team as you apparently had a lot of potential. Obviously, you agreed as that was part of the plan and it all seemed to be going your way.

Until this moment. The Titans were like your second family, they were a better version of the one you had grown up with. And Dick - you hadn't meant to and you never even would've thought it'd be a possibility but you'd fallen in love with him. The thought of betraying him, of breaking his trust, tore at your heart. The bond you had formed with Dick and the team seemed unbreakable, yet there you were, about to ruin it all.

This wasn't what you wanted. At all. But you had to do it or else your father would kill you and they would definitely be next. You would sacrifice yourself without a second thought if it meant not betraying them but you knew the second your father got rid of you, the team would be next, which you didn't want. And you knew your father would do it as he was extremely powerful. He was Deathstroke.

You woke up in the morning, Dick sleeping peacefully by your side. If only he knew what was going to happen soon. "I love you so much, Dick," you quietly whisper, careful not to wake Dick. You slipped out of bed but then heard a sound from behind you. You turned around as Dick stirred in bed, mumbling, "Where are you going, Y/N?"

"I'm just going to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon," you responded. You didn't get a reply so you assumed Dick had already fallen back asleep. Slowly, you started to walk to the elevator to leave the building. Every step felt heavier than the last as you prepared yourself for the task ahead. You knew there was no turning back now.

The plan was: meet up with your father without anyone noticing, tell him all the information you know, prepare to attack the team and then do it. You didn't want to but you knew it was the best way to keep them safe, away from death. Besides, it's not like you were actually going to tell your father the truth, not the whole truth anyway. You knew the Titans were strong but they could also use the extra help as your father was really strong, even for such a team.

As you reached the designated meeting spot, conflicting emotions swirled within you. The weight of your betrayal hung heavy on your shoulders and you couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at you.

Arriving at the meeting point, you scanned the area cautiously. It was a dark, sketchy alley. Typical of your father; he usually tries to avoid prying eyes for these things as he doesn't want anyone to know what he's planning. Deathstroke stood in the shadows, a menacing presence - but one you'd grown used to. Suppressing a shiver, you approached him with a forced air of confidence.

"Y/N," he greeted you with a cold nod. "So tell me, what have you learned? And make sure to not leave out any details as it could be vital to our mission."

You hesitated for a moment, gathering your thoughts before carefully relaying the information you had gathered about the Titans' strengths, weaknesses, and plans. You left out certain details, knowing that revealing too much could put the team in grave danger.

Deathstroke listened closely, his gaze never leaving your face. When you finished, he nodded in approval. "Good. You've done well, Y/N. Now, it's time to put your loyalty to the test."

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