sacrifice - conner kent

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(TW: death.) ⚠️

You and Conner never really liked each other. It's like ever since he joined the team, you just hated him for no apparent reason. You didn't know why and neither did he. Maybe it's because you felt a certain type of attraction to him? No. That can't be it. Don't be ridiculous.

The tension between you and Conner was palpable. Anyone could see it. But despite the clashes and disagreements, there were moments when you caught each other's eyes, stealing glances across the room. In those moments, there was something unspoken, a subtle shift in the air. It was as if beneath the layers of animosity, a flicker of curiosity lingered.

One day, during a particularly intense mission, you and the team find yourselves facing an unexpected threat. Mother May has used her magic to stun everyone including Conner, except for you, which meant it was just you and her. Bad news for you, you don't have any magical powers, so what now? How are you meant to fight a witch with just your combat skills? That doesn't seem like it's going to work out great for you.

Feeling the weight of the situation, panic sets in as you assess the limited options. Your heart pounds in your chest and your palms start sweating. Mother May advances towards you with a wicked grin, revelling in her advantage. Without hesitation, you throw yourself between Mother May and Conner, shielding him from any possible danger.

She starts to speak but you interrupt Mother May, steeling yourself for whatever consequences may follow. "If you want to get to any of them, you'll have to go through me first," you declare, surprising even yourself with the conviction in your voice.

The empty road becomes charged with tension as Mother May assesses the situation. Conner, still under the effects of her magic, watches the unfolding scene with a mixture of confusion and concern. Despite your 'dislike' for him, you were still protecting him. Why?

Mother May smirks, confident in her powers. "You can't protect them forever, and trust me, your death won't change anything," she taunts.

Not letting her see the fear that is currently coursing through your veins, you respond, "Maybe I can't change anything, but I can't just stand by and let them get hurt either. At least I'll die knowing I did my best to protect my team."

Conner's gaze shifts from Mother May to you, a mix of surprise and realization crossing his face. He doesn't want you to die, especially not like this. But he can't do anything. Her powers have him and everyone stunned, stuck in place.

"You're brave, I'll give you that. It's a shame this is the way you have to go down," she scoffs, raising her hand to unleash a magical assault. As the energy builds, you brace yourself, fully aware that this might be the end. Yet, strangely, you feel a sense of peace knowing you're protecting the team, even Conner.

Just as Mother May releases the magical force, a sudden burst of red streaks across the scene. The force of her magic sends you flying backwards, directly into a wall. A sickening crack echoes through the air as your back collides with the wall.

Everything goes black. Surely, you should be able to feel something. Some sort of pain. You've most likely just broken something from the force of the hit but you can't feel a thing. You can't see anything either, nor can you hear anything. No fucking way. Is this it? Did the bitch really just kill you? That easily as well? What about the rest of the team?

Everyone winces at the sound of your back making contact with the wall. They know what's probably just happened but none of them want to believe it. You can't be dead.

As the darkness envelops you, one distant voice echoes in your mind - Conner's voice. "No, this can't be happening," he mutters, breaking free from Mother May's spell, his eyes widening in horror at the sight of you crumpled against the wall.

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