✰ you're arguing ✰

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Dick Grayson:

Dick gets annoyed and frustrated when arguing with you. He tries to stay calm and not lose his temper, but he finds it hard to not raise his voice. He either throws his hands up in the air, walks away from the argument, or simply storms out of the room. He says some things he regrets later, though he usually tries to be understanding. During heated conversations, he is very quick-tempered and impulsive even though he doesn't want to be.

Jason Todd:

Jason is a very hot-headed and stubborn person. So, when arguing with you, he gets very aggressive and starts raising his voice. Often, he resorts to some form of insult as a result of his anger, which he later regrets because he didn't actually mean it. He also might storm out of the room in a huff, refusing to hear you out. However, if he realises his mistake, he eventually apologises and tries to make it up to you.

Gar Logan:

During arguments with you, Gar often tries to stay calm and listen to what you have to say. He tries to understand your point of view and to come up with a resolution to the argument. However, when the argument starts getting too heated, Gar is bound to lose his cool. It's not like he wants to but it's hard when the argument keeps escalating. Although he will eventually calm down and apologize for anything hurtful he might've said.

Conner Kent:

When arguing with you, Conner tends to be defensive and quick to deny any wrongdoing. He tries to justify his actions but is also quick to point out your own faults and mistakes as a way to divert the blame. He starts to get frustrated and starts shouting at you the longer the argument drags on. If things get too heated, he storms off, refusing to engage in any further conversation. After a couple of hours, he eventually cools off and apologises to you.

Hank Hall:

In an argument with you, Hank tries his best not to raise his voice but in the end, it's inevitable; he doesn't know how else to get you to see his point. Since he struggles with managing his emotions at times, he usually storms off mid-argument to avoid lashing out at you. He's passionate and hot-headed but deep down, he just cares about you.

Kory Anders:

Kory usually makes good points and loves getting under your skin. During the argument, she takes charge, trying to be the one in control of the conversation. The longer the argument goes on, the more Kory raises her voice, throwing some words of frustration at you. After a while, she tries to leave the argument without fully resolving it. The whole situation causes her to be very emotional.

Donna Troy:

If you find yourself in an argument with Donna, it's most likely a heated exchange. She begins by pointing out what she perceives as faults in your reasoning and logic. She tries to stay calm and collected but firmly stands up for herself and her beliefs. She may not necessarily agree with you, but that doesn't mean things don't work out. In the end, you guys come to a mutual agreement that works for the both of you. You both know each other's flaws and are willing to work through them because you share respect and trust.

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