almost - jason todd

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You almost died recently while on a mission. It left you in critical condition. You ended up in hospital for about three weeks, during which many people weren't sure you'd make it. But you did.

After what felt like an eternity, the hospital decided you were ready and stable enough to leave. Kory, being one of your closest teammates, came and picked you up.

As you got in the car, she asked, "Ready to finally go back home?" with a small smile on her face, glad to see you were fine.

"Ready as I'll ever be," You respond, looking over at her. With that, she starts the car and starts to drive back to the tower.

The truth is you missed everyone, but most of all Jason, your boyfriend. He was there with you when you almost died at the hands of none other than Deathstroke, who apparently really has it out for the Titans. You knew Jason would blame himself for what happened, even though it wasn't his fault.

It was yours. You were being reckless, not paying attention. You thought you could take on Deathstroke just fine. Oh how wrong you were. He had come from behind you and surprised you. With a blade through your chest. You were lucky though. It was a few mere millimetres from your heart. If it was any closer, you would've died on the spot. Yet you didn't.

The drive back was fairly quiet, just bits and pieces of small talk here and there between you and Kory. There was so much you wanted to say but you were honestly just exhausted. Spending so long in the hospital, in such a severe condition as well, really takes a toll on you. Not just physically. Mentally too.

You finally arrive back at the tower, stopping outside of Jason's room. He was the first person you wanted to speak to. You're about to knock but stop when you hear muffled shouts coming from inside. It sounds like Jason but who's he yelling at?

"It was your dad! Your dad almost killed her! Right now, she's in the hospital and it's all your dad's fucking fault!" He shouts at who you assume is Rose.

You take a deep breath, hesitating outside Jason's room. You can hear the intensity in his voice. You knock on the door but when you receive no answer, you decide to go in anyway.

Entering Jason's room, your heart sinks at the sight of him, face contorted with grief, yelling through a veil of tears. He doesn't seem to hear you come in however as he doesn't turn around until he hears your voice call his name.

"Jason?" You ask, not sure of how to break the tension in the air.

Jason's head snapped towards you, not quite comprehending the fact you're actually here yet. His eyes widen as he realises it's you. "Y/N," He mutters before he rushes over to you, wrapping you in possibly the tightest embrace you'd ever received.

He holds you as if he's afraid you might vanish again. You feel the warmth of his tears on your shoulder, realizing the toll your near-death experience took on him.

Rose seems to realise you guys just need some privacy right now, so she leaves, shutting the door behind her.

His grip softens slightly, and he pulls back to look at you, his eyes scanning your face as if confirming you're truly standing in front of him. "I thought I lost you," Jason whispers, his voice choked with emotion.

You look up at him, the pain in your expression mirroring his. You speak, your voice barely above a whisper, "But you didn't. I'm here, Jay. I'm okay."

Jason's eyes search yours, and a mix of relief and anguish wash over his face. "I should've been better. I should've protected you," he says, his voice filled with guilt.

You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. "This wasn't your fault, Jay. I made a mistake. I got careless," you admit. "But I'm here now, and I'm here to stay."

Jason gazes at you for a moment, his eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. He tightens his grip on you as if trying to anchor himself in the reality that you're indeed alive and in his arms.

"I should've stopped him. Fuck, if only I'd-"

"Jason," you interrupt softly, "blaming yourself won't change what happened. What matters is that I'm here now and I'm okay."

Jason takes a deep breath, his eyes locked onto yours. He nods, still holding you close, as if afraid to let go. "I love you, Y/N," Jason says, his voice a mix of vulnerability and sincerity.

You meet his gaze, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes, and respond with equal sincerity, "I love you too, Jason."

Eventually, the intensity of the emotions starts to ease, and you guide Jason to sit on the edge of the bed. The room feels quieter now, the previous tension disappearing.

"I missed you," Jason admits.

When he witnessed Deathstroke's brutal act, when he saw you laying there on the floor, he was scared shitless. He thought you'd died. The possibility of losing you haunted him. All those weeks in the hospital failed to ease his nerves.

"I missed you too, Jay," you say, sitting beside him on the bed. "I'm sorry. I should've been more careful. Maybe if I was actually paying attention, he never would've got me."

As you sit there, a sense of calm starts to settle over the room. Jason leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm just glad you're safe," he murmurs.

You smile softly, "Me too."

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