"Suga I'm not on the road to hear your silence just tell me he's safe and give him the phone"

"Only eunwoo and driver was in the car taehyung wasn't"

Jungkook is taking long breath to calm his heart down, he can't get weak in a moment like this he needs to find taehyung.

"Taehyung will be safe don't worry, gaurds are finding him" Suga says to jungkook.

"D-Don't w-worry He's-hes safe, my tae is sa-safe" Jungkook console himself but he couldn't calm himself and his hands start to shake.

One gaurd comes to jungkook car and said "I'll drive, you can sit on the back"

And the gaurd with his hands tell everyone who where behind jungkook car to move ahead.

The gaurd give water bottle to jungkook and said "you can sit back"

Jungkook with difficulties get on the passenger seat stubbornly.

"Let's go" Jungkook says and gaurd starts the car.

On the road jungkook check the location of taehyung phone and it says on the same place where they met with accident .

He dialed suga number..

"Did anyone get his information"

"We are trying" Suga says.

"Fast I'm coming" Jungkook says and cut the call.

On the middle of the road they found the car where taehyung, eunwoo and one Bodyguard had accident.

Car was not in a bad condition, only the front part was collided with the tree. Jungkook takes a relief breath, if the car is not damage much than it's possible that taehyung is safe.

Hoseok and his gaurds were there too, jungkook get down from the car and run towards the car.

He unlock the door and search for the camera.

"Did you guys check the camera" Jungkook ask to hoseok.

"Yess we get camera on the floor of car and we have found out that someone has deliberately punctured the tyre, driver couldn't handle the car and this lead them to collide with the tree"

"Has eunwoo and driver comes to senses?" Jungkook ask.

"No.. Both were in front seat so both of them get injured not much but yeah they are unconscious" Hoseok says.

"You said someone has punctured the car?"

"We get this syringe in the tyre" Hoseok gives the syring to jungkook.

"Check every details keenly" Jungkook ask while roaming his eyes everywhere in the deserted road.

"Seeing the scene only two theory is coming to my mind taehyung himself ran away or someone has kidnapped him" Hoseok ask.

Jungkook ears perked and he said "if he's injured that means he was not in a condition to run away but if someone has kidnapped him-"

Jungkook crack his neck and says.

"I swear to God I'll give them the most beautiful death" Jungkook says, Jungkook takes the phone of taehyung and get on the car.

"Finish the work here and immediately tell someone to fix that broken camera their might be some evidence" Jungkook says to hosoek.


"Tell someone to check the car again"

"Hmm" Hosoek nodded and saw jungkook car move ahead with a great speed.

It get morning too and jungkook hadn't take a ounce of sleep, his eyes are red face are looking puffed, hair messy, his shirt are wrinkle from all sides but he didn't lose the hope of finding taehyung.

Jungkook drive inside the fence of jeon mansion and as he get down from the car he slammed the door with whatever energy has left in his body.

Jungkook takes the stairs and stride inside the mansion to find suga.

Suga who was on laptop observing the situation to get any clue about taehyung looks up and said

"I think someone has kidnapped taehyung"

Jungkook clenched his fist inside his pocket and take a deep breath.

Jungkook first wet his lips and order all the gaurd who were present in the hall.

"Spread all gaurds in the Seoul"

Everyone nodded his head and head out of the mansion.


"We've to wait, he's not in a condition to talk now" Suga says.

Jungkook rub his temple and tried to think of his any enemy who can harm taehyung.

"I shouldn't have left him alone" Jungkook says.

Suga looks up from the laptop and ask "where is bella"

Jungkook mind get heat up after hearing her name and he shout "I don't know, I don't fucking care, I just want tae to be safe in any possible outcome"

Jungkook kick the table and stride towards his private basement.

Suga looks at the direction where he's going and dialed a number.

"Hobi i think it's not mingyu it's someone who has eyes on the every moves of tae otherwise how would someone know if taehyung is alone in the car or not"

"I don't know, nothing seem possible now we have to wait for eunwoo to wake"

"Hmm but find taehyung whereabouts jungkook is going crazy"


Suga cut the call and he immediately went out of the mansion to take the camera which got broke in the accident.

In a huge spacious room there are posters, portrait and sculpture of taehyung is all over the place or wall neately.

jungkook who's on chair sitting with both elbows on knee and is looking at something particularly with his burning passion take a long breath to fill his lungs by taehyung's fragrance.

Jungkook trail his fingers on the huge screen which is showing the picture of taehyung and whisper..

"Don't worry I'm coming to take you"

Jungkook first caress the cheeks of taehyung like he's wiping his tears and say

"How am I supposed to live without you when you yourself become my breath"

Jungkook turn his back and put his hands on his pocket.

"If you look at this basement you'll think I'm obsessed with you.. No I'm not but since the time my eyes caught a glimpse of you I couldn't control myself anymore" Jungkook whisper.

"I came here after one month...when you were with me i wasn't in need of this place but" Jungkook pick the fragrance which is of taehyung and spray in the air and smell the scent while closing his eyes.

"I came here again because I want to calm myself, my mind has stopped working since I knew you're kidnapped and don't worry I'm coming to get you" Jungkook turn the monitor on and play the clip of taehyung where taehyung is laughing heart out.

"I want you, all of your flaws, your imperfections, your mistake....i want you and only you" Jungkook says and lit his cigarette.

Jungkook blow the smoke in the air and take the seat again he lean back and again take the cigarette to his lips.

"Your mind would blow up if you get to know our first meeting wasn't in club" Jungkook tsked and he again get up from the seat.

"I'll let you rule over me however you want if you stay by my side but if you didn't then I don't know what will I become" Jungkook looks at the picture of taehyung with his lost eyes.

"You think you were chasing me, baby. You're in dark because the actual game of love will start when you get to know, not you, I was the one who was chasing you"


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