Random Thoughts

15 1 8

Barcodes scan the white part, not the black part.


Butter is food lotion

Firefly is the opposite of waterfall

Horses run around on their fingernails. 

When you wait on a waiter, then you become the waiter

Drinking from a straw is the opposite of snorkeling

No one has ever been inside an empty room

If a camera lens is a circle, why do the pictures come out square?

Your money isn't yours, it's just your turn to spend it.

If you admit to lying, aren't you actually being honest?

what would you call a fly with no wings? a walk?

the picture of the youngest you is the oldest picture of you.

If Santa nows if you are naughty or nice, how did he not know rudolf was bullied?

Erasers slowly sacrifice their lives for your mistakes. 

If you have granite tile, then the floor is really lava.

If you found the perfect hiding spot, then you did not find the perfect hiding spot. 

Chinese alphabet soup must be insane

"Six ton monster with spikes and a giant tentacle growing out of it's face" makes elephants sound really creepy. 

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