Things you DO NOT want to know

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There was an actual muffin man, and he lived on Drury Lane in New York.

His name was Frederick Thomas Linwood

Supposedly, he murdered at least 14 kids by luring them into alleys with muffins tied to strings  and killing them. 

Mary Mary Quite Contrary has a really interesting backstory. It is about queen Mary the first. 

Back then, the word contrary was used to describe someone homicidally insane.

Silver bells and Cockle shells were nicknames for torture devices

And pretty maids, all in a row we're references to her many miscarriages.

Ancient Romans used ... Wait for it ... Crushed mouse brains for toothpaste.

FDA laws allow 10 insects and 35 fruit fly eggs in 8oz of raisins, and 150 bug fragments and 5 rodent hairs per pound of Peanut butter.

Now this one is just interesting! (And I am morbid) there are over two hundred corpses on mount Everest. Because it is so cold, nothing ever decays,no the bodies are used as waypoints. Like green boots, an unnamed unknown man wearing vibrant green boots, frozen solid on My Everest.

Ring Around the Rosie originated as a song about the bubonic plague, with the "ring around the rosie" representing the rash that appeared on the skin of those infected and the "ashes, ashes" indicating the funeral pyres that burned the bodies of the dead.

Rock-a-bye Baby originated as a song about a baby dying, with the "cradle" representing a coffin and the "boughs" referring to a tree from which a baby's cradle-coffin would be hung.

If you are killed in the US, there is a 1 in 3 chance that the police will never find your killer 

Cows are responsible for more deaths than sharks are.

Right now, there are over 2,000 serial killers at large. 🙂

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