And A Few More Questions, Just For Good Measure

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How is it possible that the world is in debt?

Why is the alphabetical order that way? Who said that that's the order that it had to be?

Can blind people dream?

In the word 'scent', which letter is silent? S or C?

What would a room made of mirrors look like if there was nothing inside that room to create a reflection?

Was there ever a time when nothing existed or has something always been in existence?

Which arm rest is yours in the movie theater?

If you decide to be indecisive, which are you?

Is it okay for an endangered animal to eat an endangered plant?

Do prison buses have emergency exits?

Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?

Do we have free will or is everything predestined?

Which orange came first – the fruit or the color?

What is freedom and does it really exist?

If God created Adam and Eve, did they have belly buttons?

When does it stop being partly sunny and start to become partly cloudy?

Isn't it that when you wait for the waiter to come back with your order, you become the waiter in the process?

If we learn and improve from our mistakes, why are we so afraid to make mistakes?

Is water wet?

Can you ever really know what you look like?

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