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Adriel's Pov

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Adriel's Pov

The jet landed on Texas at 6:30pm.
Texas. Yeah that's right I am finally here,in Texas.

Most of you must be wondering what is soo fascinating in coming to Texas? That too when you belong to a multi-billionaire household.

There isn't.
But the fact that this is the first time they have allowed me to be all by myself is thrilling.

I respect my family and moreover I am greatful for everything that the god has blessed me with but sometimes its very suffocating.

Sometimes it feels like I am no one and will never be anyone if not by my surname.

I am 21 years old and I decided to persue my legal degree in Texas so that I can be away from my family. So that I can actually learn how to survive on my own.

I booked a cab to Mile High residency since I don't have any vehicle of my own now.

The cab came 2mins early than the anticipated time and I reached my destination 4mins late all the credit goes to texas's traffic.

I removed my shades and glanced at the residency which is going to be my home for next few years.

The apartment complex looks like something my brother and people like him would like to own. It screams Elite, Money and luxury.

I went to the reception of the building to ask for my twentieth floor apartment key.

"Hi..I am Adriel. Adriel Deveraux. I would like to have the keys of my flat 2002."

The receptionist called someone using her telecom and gave me a small smile. I raised my eyebrow and she informed.

"Good evening Sir! Mr. Deveraux have asked us to escort you to your flat along with your luggage."

I let out a sigh and a blonde man made his way towards me. We greeted each other and he ordered his men to unload the luggage from the cab and move it safely to my apartment.

The blonde man whose name is Dave tapped a card on the lift censor.

"We will assign your fingerprint on the panel for the usage of other amenities in the residency. Till then you can have this card to use facilities like lift, gym, library and other stuffs."

The lift door opened at 20th floor. I move out of it and realised that each floor only provides for two flats.

Without giving much attention to the other flat I unlocked mine and entered the same.

The house was a semi furnished one, the furniture all organised was made up of wood. Even the florring of the flat was done in wood.

Dave came along with a guard after a few minutes and pulled the three trolleies inside. I thanked him and went to enjoy the full view of the apartment.

It was 2 bedroom apartment with one being the master bedroom and other being a guest one..i guess.

I removed my sneakers and jumped on the nearby sofa. Sighing I look around.

My college will start from tomorrow so that gives me today to settle into this house. I started unpacking my stuff and neatly arranged them in the appropriate places.

After what felt like an eternity I checked the time on my wrist watch and gathered that it is 8: 32 of night.

Three hours since I started. I looked around myself and my room was a mess of clothes and toiletries.

I exhale a heavy breath of exhaustion and rubbed my eyes with index finger and thumb.

Its dinner time and I hardly have any energy to cook myself dinner. I extract my phone from my jeans pocket and searched for the local restraunts.

My thumb danced over the one with the highest rating and I dialed their number.

I placed my order and threw my phone over the bed. Atleast one thing is done.

I clear my bed with all of my clothes and arranged them in the wardrobe.

I took a sigh of relief and picked my phone.
It showed the current status of the dilevery boy, he was almost near the society's gate.

After a few minutes my doorbell rang and the delivery partner was standing outside with my order.

I thanked him for the delivery and unloaded my vegan crunchwraps in the kitchen.

Before grabbing a bite I decided to take a quick snap and share it among snapchat.


I was busy devouring my wrap when my phone pinged with notification.

While chewing the content in my mouth I checked my phone and I stopped chewing for a second.

I haven't heard from him since that night. Flashbacks from the party hit me in a blur.

'New place, huh?' he wrote.

I gulped the bite and started typing the reply.

'Yeah, Just moved to Texas.'

He immediately saw my text. Bubbles appears on the screen and stayed for a while.


Cool? What does cool mean?
I mean obviously I know what it means but what does HE meant by cool?

Did he just texted after soo long just to end the conversation with a 'cool?'

Maybe I should keep the conversation going. That'll be polite.

'So.. What were you doing?' I waited for the reply.

'Nothing much, was just chilling out with some friends ;)'

He has friends. Unlike me a loner, who rarely interacts if not necessary.

'Cool, enjoy then👍'

I cringe at the 'cool' word but soon enough an unknowingly smile crept at my face.

I tossed the phone aside and finished my plate.

Texas is going to be the hell of a ride. I can just feel it.


Next update will be out soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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