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Third person's pov

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Third person's pov

Following morning

While the whole New York was awake,
Everyone was busy working hard.
Our protagonists were busy snoring.

A light frown appeared on Chanel's face as a splash of sunlight directly hits her face.

Her face twisted in a frown and she let out a few incoherent words before burring her face under the duvet.

Her incoherent words caused Travis to come into senses. He very slowly opened his eyes before closing it all together.

With a light groan his one hand reaches to his forehead. Massaging his temples. Turning his face towards the right he founds a figure burried under the comforter.

His breath hitched for a moment before he composes himself and pulls off the duvet, slowly.

Chanel blocks the sunlight with her hands before cursing the person who pulled off the duvet.

Travis's eyes widened in recognition and Chanel finally opens her eyes.

The thunder of reality strucks the poor fellows and they both exclaims.


They looked at their surroundings before looking at themselves and then at one another. Searching for answers.

It was clear that they were not in their rooms. They were in a hotel room. Luckily, to save themselves from the embarrassment they both were dressed.

The flashbacks from the last night slowly starts to make their way.

The couple, the lift, the room, the dance, the rose. Everything in a blur.

"Why the fuck were we dancing in the middle of the room!?" Travis makes a face.

Chanel sucked a deep breath before turning her face here and there in search of her phone. Soon her eyes found it beside the pillow resting behind her.

Without wasting a single second, she turned it onn and came across, 10 missed calls and 15 new unread messages.

Her fingers tapped on the very first one, which was by 'Black Internationals' the hotel where they stayed the night.

The message was like:

On the behalf of the management and everyone working here at 'Black internationals' , I would like to apologise to each and every guest, who have attended the party last night, for the incovience and poor services that they received.

The bartender, who was serving last night,had mixed some harmful drugs in the drinks. To which we totally agree was unacceptable and as a precaution he has been suspended from the job to avoid further inconvenience.

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