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Chanel's pov

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Chanel's pov

"He remembers about your allergy!? Really?... Wow!!" Zach exclaimed.

We were currently seated in my living room, munching snacks. Zach is leaving for Texas tomorrow morning. The city where actually lives and opertes from. So we decided to spend his last evening in New York together at my place.

"I think he still likes you." He said taking a bite from his peperoni pizza.

I chocked on my diet soda.
"NOO Absolutely not. He just has good memory and besides I would have also remembered the same if he had any."

Zach makes a face at me. "You can barely remember what you ate last night."

I was about to open my mouth to tell him what I had yesterday when I heard a loud crash.

Zach and I both immediately looked in the direction of the sound and my eyes turned to flames.

My million dollar imported flower vase was on the floor, broken in pieces.

"ZACK! I have told you to not to bring that thing in my house!!"

He first looked at the mess his baby made and then to his self proclaimed baby.
"That thing is a cat, a domestic animal and her name is kitcat."

I rolled my eyes.
"Well I dont like domestic animals in my household and also look what did she do."

"Comeon She was just messing around and also you have plenty of those vases all around your house."

He walks in the the direction of his cat and gently picks her up in his arms before cooeing her like his baby.

The orange tabby cat looked in my direction before rubbing herself against Zack as if mocking me, In my own bloody house.

This bitch.

"She is not a dog. She can't be a bitch."

Did I say that out loud?

"No but your expression conveyed." He winks and I huffed.

"Kitcat say sorry to Chanel." Is he literally trying to talk to a cat? A damn cat?

She looks at me and meows viciously.

"Sorry Chanel. I don't think she likes you much. She only prefers people with great taste and class. Right Kitty catty."

I couldn't control a scoff.

"Please, I am not interested in getting liked by a fucking cat that too who goes by the name of a fucking choclate."

Zach narrows his eyes on me.

"I proposed you the idea of naming her Pussey before, but you rejected that name in a blink." He defended as if that name was any better.

"Because that name was just inappropriate at soo many levels"

"Whatever, you are just jealous of her name. Considering you yourself are named after a luxury fucking brand."

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