11| The Vault

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Chanel's pov

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Chanel's pov

The voice belonged to none other than Sebastian Smith, owner of Smith Suits. He was a tall, lean, blonde hair guy, dressed in one of his suits.

Never talked much to him but we knew each other from the business world.
I put on a smile and extended the greeting

"What is a lady like you doing here, all by herself ?"

See. That's the problem of men. For them the idea of a women being all by herself in a  club, paying for her own drinks and enjoying her own company is too unbelievable.

Though for today, I made my plan with Travis. Doesn't mean I can't come here alone and enjoy myself.

Before I can open my mouth to answer him a hand smacked on his shoulder.

We both looked at the owner of the hand and my eyes got blinded by the gorgeous grinning face.

"Who says she is alone?" He looked at Sebastian before looking at me "and even if she was, what's so in imaginable about that?"

He kept his tone nonchalant but his words were sharp. Sharp enough for Sebastian to understand that its his quee to leave.

"Offcourse. I was just asking, incase she needs a company." He said, standing up from his seat.

Travis smiled "How thoughtful". Sarcasm dripping with each of the two words.

Sebastian cleared his throat. "Excuse me" and  went in the opposite direction.

Our eyes collide for a second before he slowly, very slowly moved them to take in the sequins of my dress.

He didn't let any expression slip off his face but I was quick to catch him sucking a deep breath.

He averted his eyes towards the crowd before uttering.
"Why are you sitting here? Let's go upstairs."

Upstairs was a VVIP lounge. Booked for only the owners and his/hers family and colleagues.

I gave him a questioning eye and he lets out a smirk. "I bought it last month."


We reached upstairs and the manager of the club greeted us personally before disappearing downstairs.

The environment upstairs was different. More cold, more spacious and less gentry.

We sat across each other on a velvet Sofa seats. From where our seats were arranged it allows us to have almost full view of the club especially downstairs .

Travis threw his black suit jacket on a chair adjecent to us before popping the upper buttons of his sleek white shirt.

I try to not to stare. But well. The scene calls for it.

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