Ch. XVIII [18] ♡

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Cedric was experiencing a strange feeling of extra consciousness he hadn't felt in ... well, ever. "Extra consciousness" is possibly one of the worst ways to describe it, however he couldn't figure out any other description that quite described the feeling. It felt like his memories or his soul was being unlocked.

And he didn't entirely hate it despite the fact that he didn't know what was going on.

"Cedric... ? Is something wrong? Why are you awake?" Bia turned over in her spot, clearly just stirring out of her own sleep.

"No," Cedric said, running a lazy hand down her naked back. "Go back to sleep."

Bia's eyes closed, and she drifted back off just as quickly as she woke up. Cedric would explain everything to her later. His priority was to figure out what the tether was that attached to him.

He got out of bed and stretched, putting on clothes that were black and heavy, protecting him from the sun's beaming rays.

Even as he walked out of the door, he could feel a pull in a certain direction. He laughed to himself. He'd never encountered something like this before.

Right behind an elementary school where the dumpsters were, Cedric saw one of his most favorite people.

Angel was struggling to toss a huge garbage bag into one of the dumpsters, so of course, it was the perfect opportunity to scare the daylights out of him.

"Jesus...!" Angel gasped. He glared at a smirking Cedric.

"What the hell are you doing out of your coffin?"

Cedric shrugged. "Just felt like it. Being in the sun is almost like... Russian roulette. Ha... it's been a long while."

Angel cast his eyes downward.

"Did you come here because... you feel something?" He asked Cedric.

"... Of course."

"I've been having... dreams. With you in them. But I'm not myself. I'm someone else. Figured you might know something about that."

Cedric thought. "Someone else how?"

"When I talk my voice isn't mine, and my movements aren't mine, like my consciousness is in someone else's body. But you're there, and you seem like you know who I am," said Angel.

"Here's an idea-You should try lucid dreaming. Move around and see if you can control something." Cedric turned to leave.

"Wait, what good would that do?"

Cedric shrugged. "Maybe you could spot some details around you. I have a theory. It's kinda gross though, it makes you and I connected in a very intimate way. I'll say that much."

Angel was quite confused.

"I'm going home, and back to bed," said Cedric.

Angel watched him as he walked away. He wasn't usually ecstatic to see Cedric in any circumstance, but he was at least glad that he could finally get a lead on his unexplained dreams.

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