Ch. XIV [14] ♡

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"So... you talked to me about being your 'mate' before; what exactly does that mean?"

"Oh, I did just mention it in passing, didn't I? Well, in the world of werewolves, we are destined to spend the rest of our lives with another. When we meet that person, we're drawn to them like a magnet."

"Aw, that's so romantic," said Bia. dreamily. Angel smiled and nodded.

"We have this compelling feeling in our chests that we need to be with them all day, every day. Like, they're a piece of us and we need them for the puzzle to be complete." Angel absentmindedly grabbed Bia's hand and gently massaged it.

"Wow. Do you really feel that way about me, Angel?" Bia asked, tilting her head cutely.

Angel suddenly became flustered. "Well, I-"

There was someone at the door.

"Who could that be?" Asked Bia.

"I don't know. I'll go see."

Looking through the peephole, Angel saw that it was Cedric. He sighed in annoyance at the fact that Cedric interrupted their time together. He tended to ruin a lot of moments that Angel and Bia had. Angel figured the best course of action would be to open the door because if he didn't, the vampire would find his way in anyway even through brute force.

"Cedric," greeted Angel unenthusiastically.

Cedric smiled in a way that seemed petty. "hello, Angel. I'm here to pick up Bia so we can head home."

Bia pushed past Angel and stood in between him and Cedric in the doorway.

"Cedric, you have a lot of f☆ckin' nerve. Apologize for not acknowledging that I'm an adult and then I'll come back."

Cedric did nor said anything, just stared at her with an expressionless expression. Bia began to feel the effects of this, becoming fidgety and suddenly feeling something akin to dread. It was a weird phenomenon that would happen whenever Cedric dared her to disobey him. She scurried past Cedric, hastily saying bye to Angel as she left the apartment.

Cedric turned to leave, but was stopped in his tracks by Angel.

"Hey Cedric, haven't you considered that maybe Bia doesn't want to leave me?"

Cedric turned around slowly, rolling his eyes at the wolf that was trying too hard to be Bia's knight in shining armor.

"No. Because I don't care. she's been with me, and she'll be with me until the end of f☆cking time no matter how much you want her to be with you," said Cedric.

Angel's jaw clenched, and he felt tears of anger burning behind his eyes. "Jesus, you're such a bastard," he replied, equally as quietly, terrified that if he spoke up, his voice would break.

Cedric laughed spitefully. "i see you get it now." he turned and walked to the elevator, heading back up to his and Bia's apartment.

Angel sniffled, going backing into his apartment. he closed the door and put his back on it. he could feel himself shaking, overflowing with emotions. that was among one of the most humiliating moments of his entire life. he'd be damned if he'd let Cedric keep Bia away from him. Angel endured too much heartbreak and ugliness, and Bia was the one thing in his life that was stable and beautiful and akin to paradise.

suddenly, he felt like throwing caution to the wind. he had so much steam to blow off after the embarrassing encounter. he dialed someone he knew would unapologetically keep him company.

"hello?" said the deep voice on the other end.

"i don't wanna be alone tonight," said Angel. "can you come over?"

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