chapter 11

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"R-riki.." Irene shocked to see him,in hana class.

" w-what are you doing here?" Irene asked.

"It's my class what do you expect irene" riki said in cold tone.

"Y-your class? But you already passed why are you studying?here"irene asked but suddenly a loud voice they heard.

" Riki slap his hand on desk loudly and looked at thr girls with death glare".

"It's non of your business stay away from my family" he said and grabbed hana wrist and dragged her from class room.

"Hana didn't say follow him"


"Why didn't defend them" riki asked hana didn't say anything.

" hana I'm asking you something why didn't you fight with them don't let them bully hana !" Riki said.

"If I did will you not going to punish me again? Will you guys not going to hit me with belt telling me how wrong I'm. How I'm the reason you lost your sister how I'm burden to your family" hana said and riki clench his fist .

"Even if I did no one is gonna defend me it's better I will let them bully me" she said and turned her back to go back downstairs but riki grabbed her wrist.

"This time you aren't alone,sister " he said and han turned her back and look at him.

" I wish if you tell Me this word 5 years ago before maybe today I'm not suffering like that they way I'm suffering right now" hana thought tear left from her cheek.

"It's too late now brother leave me .the way you act as always do the same ignore me pretend like we don't know each other" she said and walked away from him.

"Hana" riki whispered.



" you think you can steal niki attention " ?? Said and pour cold water on her.

" how dare you seduced my boyfriend "?? Said and stepped on her hands ,she groaned in pain tears left from cheek.

" another girl pulled her hair aggressively ".

" stay away from enhypen they are mines if I see you again with her your punishment will be worse " ?? Said and kicked on her stomach and they left her.

" tears falling from her cheek,she didn't tell anyone about bullying things"

"It's all their fault" she said and crying silently the washroom was empty whoever come inside ,they ignore her no one help her .because they hate her .

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