**Pre-Reading Notes**

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(Hogwarts Legacy Main Menu Theme Music by pgp)

Throughout the story, I'll suggest songs to enhance the experience. Feel free to use them to make moments more magical.

"My Blood" draws inspiration from Hogwarts Legacy, particularly the quests involving Sebastian and Poppy. While I aim to keep it engaging for those familiar with the game, please note there will be spoilers. For those unacquainted and okay with spoilers, you're welcome to join. Additionally, I'll infuse the story with my own creative twists.

A little about Seraphina Du Pont;

Seraphina Du Pont, at the tender age of 16, hails from the opulent heart of Paris, France, where the city's historic elegance meets the refined lifestyles of the upper class. Born into a household that prides itself on tradition and prestige, Seraphina's life has been meticulously choreographed, much like the ballets at the Paris Opera Ballet School where she was enrolled-a place where grace and discipline intertwine, and every pirouette is a step towards perfection. Her days, seamlessly woven with the expectations of her parents, leave little room for the whims of youth. Beyond the ballet barres and mirrored halls, Seraphina's extracurricular activities were carefully selected, not for joy, but for their alignment with the societal stature her family upholds. Even her leisure moments were not her own; they were spent engaging in activities deemed appropriate for the echelons of high society-garden parties, art exhibitions, and charity events, each a delicate dance of appearances and pleasantries. In this world, every smile is rehearsed, and every interaction is a performance, leaving Seraphina to wonder about the life beyond the gilded cage of expectations.

I just want to express my gratitude to everyone who chooses to dive into this story.

I hope you find as much joy and connection in it as I do :)

With love, _gaed_.

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