! Forbidden love ! - Oliver x ∆lice!reader

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I apologize for being so obbsessed with him, next one will probably be diffrent 😅
This is my longest one yet im so proud 😭👍

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lice was the student that everyone in Paper School feared. Well, everyone expect her adoring boyfriend Oliver. Before she went pyschotic, them two were a sweet couple, and secretly still are. Oliver would sometimes pay her a visit in the room she isolated youreself in. Until today, she killed the new young student for disturing her peace. Everyone trembled in fear and froze, staring at her as she grew anxious by the stares, except Oliver. He smiled softly and slowly approached her, kneeling down. The others wanted to stop him, but he was already near her. "∆lice... it's okay..." He comforted her as she leant against him, seeking comfort. The students and teahers wanted to tell Oliver to go away from her, but Oliver singnalized them to go instead. Unsurely, but briefly people cleared the halls, still secretely watching them from the distance in case of an attack. "Im here now..." Oliver whispered softly, as ∆lice's black tentacles wrapped around him firmly. ∆lice took her time to rest against him, she looked down at him softly. In this moment everything was peaceful, until... she felt someone stare... she slowly raised up her head, and looked around. She saw the others, she had a slight scowl on her face and they looked very worried. "What are they doing?" she asked softly. Everyone was unsure of what to say, so Oliver took the lead and spoke up. "They're nervous, they're afraid of you.. but I'm not..." ∆lice smiled gently at that. She was greatful for having a boyfriend like Oliver, and will always be. Despite her threataning look, Oliver was never afraid of Alice, he always saw her in her true beauties, the way he was the only one she trusted was wholesome. "They're not worth youre time, honey..." He whispered, ∆lice tightening her grip onto Oliver but still keeping it tender. ∆lice smiled at his reassuring words, she felt... safe. She could be vulnerable around him and she felt like an actual person instead of some freak, a monster that everyone feared, that's how she usually saw herself, a thing that only destroyed and wrecked havocs. It seemed today was not one of those days, and was instead a day that reminded her she was not truly alone and that someone understood her struggle and still loved her in the process. Alice's grip grew even tighter on him to make sure he wouldn't leave her. Oliver got up from the ground, offering a hand for ∆lice. Her tentacles slowy retreat, as she accepts his hand. They held hands. The others were amused. How was she so calm with him? Oliver loved her no matter who or what she was, and It couldn't be as simple and as that. It was clear that the love of these two had no boundaries. "Come on, forget them..." ∆lice's eyes lit up, as she gave Oliver a light squeeze with her arms and pulled away, as they walked outside the school grounds, stopping by the entrance. ∆lice was in amazement, she hasn't seen the light of day from her isolation in eons. ∆lice was stunned by how beautiful the sun looked, the light rays falling down and the birds chirping. It felt comforting, she never thought she would see such a sight. She then looked at Oliver, her grasp was gentle this time, she didn't want to hurt him. "I-....is this how it used to be...?" Her voice was filled with nostalgia and wonder as she stared at the landscape. Oliver tightened his grip, looking back at the teachers and students with a cold glare. "Mhm... and always was..." He says as he turns back. ∆lice's eyes sparkled, despite the scenery being same old, it was new to her since she couldn't remember the last time she saw the sun. She smiled at his reassurance, she had been living in isolation for so long, that the sight of the sun once again was a new thing to her. She could see Oliver glance at the others, her tentacles slightly tightened their grip on him. A few more minutes of her staring at the scenery and she then turned to Oliver, with a slight blush "O-Oliver...." Oliver's eyebrow perked up curiously, as he tilted his head with a smile. "Yes, ∆lice...?" ∆lice blushed even more as she spoke her mind "Are-..you okay with.... everything? With, me..? I'm a monster... you know that, right?.." ∆lice was very self-conscious even when she was the most vulnerable to him.
Oliver chuckled, carresing her face gently as she gazed into him. "Oh, ∆llie... how could I not love you? Youre just... perfect." He spoke passionately to her, which caused her eyes to perk up at his words. Was he being honest? ∆lice seemed suprised and very flustered at his words. She thought to herself, that he must be lying. But she couldn't help but blush at his touch and words "R-really...?" She asked in response her eyes had sparkles of joy in them. She slowly started to give him an adorable look. She was used to people saying terrible things about her and leaving her, so hearing such nice thing from someone like Oliver was refreshing and heart-warming to her as well as shocking. "Really." He said surely as he planted a kiss on her lips, now holding her hands. Oliver looked back at the crowd inside the school again, they seemed shocked and proud. Oliver's smile widened. "Let's get going then, shall we?" Oliver said with a head tilt, requesting they go on a little walk. They end up taking a short peaceful stroll around the school. Alice blushed at his touch and then smiled after the kiss. She didn't want to let go of him, but he requested the walking around the school, which she gladly accepted. ∆lice and him went on the small stroll, she was grateful for every moment with him. So much so that she was now clinging to his arm as she kept herself close to him the entire walk. The others didn't bother them and watched the pair walk peacefully away, some thinking they were adorable together while others were still shocked.

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