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Blake's pov

It's the day before prom, and I'm nervous. I picked out my dress last week and it's a beautiful red dress that is floor length. Even though I'm short, the dress makes me look taller. 

Morgan has seen the shade of red but hasn't seen the dress since he wants to be surprised. He is currently on the way here and I couldn't be more excited. I've missed him. He's going to be staying with Hardy though and we will all come over here the night of prom. 

Hardy has a date. Her name is Caleigh, and she is super sweet and wayyyy out of his league btw. They're going to prom together with Morgan and I. 

My mom is more excited than I am. She has already book my hair and makeup, and gotten matching jewerly. She also went out and got a new camera so she can take pictures. Not like she can't do that on her phone but whatever. 

"Blake. Do you know when Morgan is getting here?" My mom yelled from down stairs. 

"He will be here in the next couple hours. Why?" I asked as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. 

"I was going to see if you wanted to invite him to dinner with us. The Hardy's are going to come over here and eat." She said. 

"Yeah I'll ask if he wants to." 

'Hey babe. Do you want to go eat with us tonight? The Hardy's are coming over to eat..'


Hmm weird. But okay. He's driving so he doesn't need to text and drive. 

*an hour later*

Still haven't heard from him, so I'm going to try to call and make sure he's okay. 


'Your call has been forward t-'

What the hell. 

I'll call Hardy. 


'Hey Blake. What's up?'

'Hey. Have you heard from Morgan? I've tried getting ahold of him for a while now and no answer.' 

'Oh yeah um he's here. He's been here for three hours.' 

'Oh. Ok. Well, tell him to call me or text me please.' 

'yeah, I will. bye.' 

Hardy's pov

I hung up the phone with Blake and looked Morgan. 

"Dude. Why has you been ignoring Blake?" I asked before sitting back down next to him. 

"Oh. I don't know. I thought I told her I was here." He spoke. 

"Well apparently not. She just called me saying you haven't talked to her." I raised my voice a bit. 

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"What is going on with you?" I questioned, "Yall were fine before you left the last time, and yall have talked this entire month. So what happened?" 

"I don't know." He blanked. 

"What do you mean you don't know? Morgan, if you have lost interest in her then don't lead her on. That's shitty. I don-" He interrupted me. 

"I love her Hardy okay? I have never loved anyone like this before. I don't know man. I'm scared. I'm scared I'm going to fuck everything up." He yelled then slouched back into the bean bag chair he was in. 

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