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Blake's Pov

It's been a month since the treehouse talk with Morgan. He has been blowing up my phone every day, but I refuse to answer. I need space. He has also been sending me flowers, I swear I have 15 bouquets in 3 days. 

It's cute but it's not enough to forget what happened. I know we weren't together, but I trusted him, hell I was falling in love with him. 

*Ring Ring*

I looked down at my phone and saw Hardy was calling me. 


'Hey Blake. What are you up to?'

'Um currently nothing. Well studying for Exams.' 

'Oh. Shit. I need to do that, but I was going to let you know I'm headed to Nashville to be there for Morgan's audition. I was going to see if you wanted to com-'

'No. No I don't.'

'Yeah, I figured. But I had to ask. I hope you will watch Saturday. Also he really misses you.' 

'Welp. He should've thought about that before he stuck his dick into a crazy bitch who likes to send death threats.' 

'Wait what? She has been threatening you? Why haven't you said anything?' 

'Because I'm not stressing a hoe.' 

'*sigh* That is something you'd say. Well I'm fixing to head out. I'll call you later.'

'Alright bud, be careful. Love you.'

'Love you. bye'

I almost forgot Morgan was going to The Voice, but then again, I've been trying to forget about him completely. I wonder what song he is gonna sing? 

*2 hours later*

I finished with my studies before walking downstairs and outside. I don't know what I was going to do but I didn't want to be in the house anymore. I walked down the trail that leads to the treehouse. 

'I'm going to do everything in my power to make it right. I promise.' His voice echoed in my mind. 

He's been trying to, but I couldn't bring it in me to go back. I sat and stared up at the treehouse before me, letting the memories of when Hardy and I were kids. 

*Flash Back*

It was a really hot day in June, like really hot. We were 8 at the time, and full of energy. Hardy's mom came over to spend time with mine, so that meant we got to play all day. 

"Blake! What should we play first?" Hardy yelled while running around me. 

"Why don't we go play in the treehouse that your daddy built." I asked. 

"YEAH! Mama we're gonna go play in the treehouse." He yelled from across the yard. 

"Alright. Yall be careful. Don't be out there too long!" His mom said before going back to talking to mine. 

We both took off to the woods, going to where the treehouse was. Hardy beat me since he had longer legs than me, but I was close behind him. 

He climbed up the ladder before me and started naming off games we could play. 

"Why don't we play pirates? Orrrr restaurant? Oo I got it. Let's play house." 

"Okay. Lets play house." I said. I didn't care what we played as long as I got to spend time with him. 

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