"Kaliope?" Andreas regarded her with an inviting smile.

Despite the partition separating them, Kaliope sensed Ronin's gaze burrowing into her. An excuse to skip the social gathering cropped up. Kaliope dismissed it. As Ronin said, it was her personal time. "Sure, why not."

Besides, she was on a mission to put in the effort. Hiccups aside, Kaliope was adjusting to her time at Sage Tower. It was frightening to be surrounded by all the magic users and their potential world-ending tantrums, yet exhilarating as new mysteries unfolded.


The team gathered in front of Sage Towers after work. Gale called his driver, informed him he wouldn't require pickup, and promptly shut his phone off again.

"You can't hide from your mother for long."

Gale sighed at Gideon's state, eyes closed. "I'll do the walk of shame in the morning. I can't deal with her tonight."

On top of his family drama, Gale hunted their elusive tech mage intruder who displayed skills that surpassed his. Kaliope imagined he needed several drinks.

"Why are you hiding anyway?" Kaliope pursed her lips, but her question was already out. She was not Gale's favorite human or person.

Inola assumed a mocking tone. "Gale's marrying into a Main House. Oriana Gale can't afford her precious son pissing off the in-laws."

Kaliope did a double-take. "Wait. You're not from a Main House?" She'd assumed he was from his haughty manner and outbursts during the Falgor case. "I thought you said he was stupid rich."

Inola shrugged. "Minor Houses are stupid-rich. Main Houses are stupid-stupid-rich."

"Right." Zohar's gold, gem-studded cane came to mind.

Gale sniffed. "You're one to talk—Heiress of InnoTech International."

Kaliope's jaw dropped. "Come again."

InnoTech, a massive tech firm with global branches, specialized in designing and producing battery solutions for industrial vehicles and equipment. Kaliope worked in the marketing department on a four-month internship. And to think she was grubbing it down in a back alley fox den with the CEO's daughter. Kaliope slapped a hand to her forehead in a sudden realization. "Pearsall Nerard." Nerard wasn't a common surname, but not in a million years would she make the connection.

Inola giggled. "Yup. My pop-pop. But I don't plan on inheriting the family biz. I'll leave that to my sister, Liv. She's the president." The fox demon stretched. "I prefer my lack of responsibilities."

The sports car was a hint Inola came from money, but her origins blew Kaliope's mind.

"Wait. If you're the heiress, does that mean you're the eldest?

Inola frowned, displeased. "By ten whole minutes. Liv's my fraternal twin."

"Eh"? Kaliope heard about Meena, but not once had Inola mentioned a twin sister. Then again, she shouldn't be surprised. Inola kept a whole collage of faces on her desk.

"I'm the eldest of four. Liv second, Meena, and finally, my younger brother, Dallin. He's in his first year of university studying physics and some other stuff. He's a nerd and a Ronin fanboy."

"Huh." Inola's mother doted on him. His brother-in-law was a fanboy. Ronin was basically already part of the family. Kaliope regarded Gideon. "Any mind-blowing revelations?"

Gideon ruffled his hair. "Nope. Ordinary middle class. The only exciting thing about me is that I wolf out once a month."

Inola leaned in. "Now, the McIntyres." Kaliope followed Inola's gaze as they watched Andreas approach. "Legacy Bloodlines are like Great Houses—unquantifiably wealthy." Inola stretched the wealthy because there was a difference. "We're talking old, old money from two prominent families merging."


As expected, Andreas treated them to dinner in a classy restaurant. One of those swanky establishments with a view of the entire city and no prices on their menus. But even without the prices, the names of the meals sounded rich—way outside of Kaliope's budget. One serving of whatever option they chose was likely the cost of a month's rent. Andreas granted them carte blanche to order whatever they wanted.

Old, old money at work.

Dinner was relatively uneventful, with general chit-chat. Kaliope savored her meal as if it was edible gold. When would she get this chance again?


"Hmm?" Kaliope looked when Andreas called her name.

Andreas occupied the chair at the head of the table. Gale and Inola sat closest to him on either side, followed by Gideon and Kaliope, who sat facing each other. Kaliope would have been in the seat to Andreas' immediate right if Inola hadn't slid into it first. Kaliope registered the irritated tick in Andreas' jaw and half expected them to square off again to prove whose whatever was bigger. Thankfully, cool heads prevailed. There were other patrons in the elegant establishment. She'd rather not cause a boisterous scene in a cultured place like this.

"Is the meal to your liking?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Then perhaps you wouldn't mind us doing it again?"

"No problem." Inola stuffed a slice of steak in her mouth. "Wouldn't pass up a free meal."

Said the heiress of a multibillion-dollar tech empire.

Andreas maintained the air of their gracious host, but Kaliope noticed the flash of amber in his eyes—Gideon's sudden discomfort. The fox demon scarfed her food with delighted gusto, ignoring it all.

Foxes are tricksters...

Kaliope regarded Andreas.

...but lycans wear many faces.


To read the entire first season, along with Seasons 2 and 3, join me on Ream. The link's in my bio on the home page. Hope to see you there.

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