Ballister nodded, the movement sending him off balance.

"Whoah." Kaliope steadied him. "Then that's what we'll do. We'll find a way to fix this."

Ballister slumped forward, resting his head on her shoulder. Kaliope held him and patted his back as he continued to sob. She was grasping at straws with her promise. For a hope she herself lacked. How were they to remedy any of this?

Ballister's family was in shambles. Kaliope hadn't the faintest idea what she could do about it. She possessed no magical talents. No special skills beyond beating the problem to death. And fists and stones can't put a family back together again.

Furthermore, she was so out of her depths, yet again. What did she know about families? When her family splintered, Kaliope ran away, putting a continent-wide gap between her and the problem. Although the gap had since shrunken. Ballister wouldn't see running as an option.

A glimmer at Kaliope's periphery caught her notice. She angled her head toward the House Constitution as a sliver of gold light erased the name of the former leader of the House at the bottom of the parchment. It confirmed Lucius Falgor's passing. Kaliope's heart sank.

I'm about to lose the man I love more than life, and you think I feel nothing?

And my mother... She couldn't say goodbye because of me. When she wakes up...

Tears burned in Kaliope's eyes, and she blinked to dispel them. Another thin string of gold light appeared. It moved along the parchment, writing a new name in black-inked cursive. An instant later, the empty frame filled with an image to complete the changing of the family guard.

Ballister Falgor. The new Head of Falgor House.

Kaliope's mind grasped snippets from her readings about the Witcher Constitution and threw them at her as the makings of a plan materialized. It was radical. It was insane. And it would probably bring a lynch mob to her doorstep, but it was a solution. At least part of one.

Kaliope held Ballister at arm's length.

"Mr. Falgor. I have a plan, but—"

Ballister swiped the back of his hand, smearing dust across his cheek like war paint. "Whatever it is, I'll do it."


Kaliope closed her eyes as she reclined in the passenger seat of Inola's car. What a night. She needed another glass of beer and about a week of uninterrupted sleep. Maybe a change of address. Talismans for protection. A safe haven in another dimension?

They'd dropped Ballister off at the hospital, where Juniper waited beside herself, worried about her husband. He'd run off after the doctor pronounced his father dead, and Juniper remained to handle the paperwork. After their discussion at the house about their next step, the dark clouds in Ballister's eyes parted.

Good for him.

Kaliope was staring at her setting sun.

Inola slid into the driver's side and closed the door. "The Boss will have the contract ready by morning."

Kaliope slumped into her seat. She'd tasked Inola with filling in Ronin about their plan, unable to have that conversation herself. With a contract, they'll officially open a new case with Ballister as their client.

"Your plan is crazy."

Kaliope groaned, a hand over her face. "I know." It seemed like a good resolution at first, but after further consideration, the outlandishness of it brokered anxiety.

"There will be mass faintings."

Inola's eyes shone green with amusement.

"You know, I'm really disturbed by the things that amuse you." Kaliope shook her head. "But what did Ronin say about the plan when you told him?"

Inola averted her gaze and started the engine. Kaliope grabbed her shoulder and pressed her into the car seat.

"You didn't tell him."

Inola chuckled nervously. "Wouldn't it be better to discuss this in person?"

Kaliope threw herself in her seat. She grabbed her hair, elbows on her knees. Ronin accused her of causing trouble out of a compulsion to be defiant. She'd revealed her dislike of the antiquated House system. Would he see this as her flipping off the Constitution out of stubborn defiance? Or as causing the team unnecessary trouble? Would he rescind her position as part of the team? She bit her lip too hard and winced.

...yes, Ms. Barnes, I am watching you when I have better things to do with my time, like stopping an entire society from imploding.

Kaliope's plan might cause precisely what he attempted to avoid.

Inola patted her on the back. "Relax, will you? Our client accepted your proposal. Doubt he'll change his mind because you have cold toes."

Kaliope turned her head to face Inola. She overlooked the fox demon's mistake. "Why didn't you stop me? Why'd you agree it was a good plan."

"Because it is. I'm a demon. Contracts are my forte. It'll work out."

"Then maybe that's the problem..." Kaliope clicked her seatbelt in place. "It might work too well." She pursed her lips, unease a tangle of worms in her belly. A fox demon-approved plan was bound to have unpleasant side effects.


To read the entire first season, along with Seasons 2 and 3, join me on Ream. The link's in my bio on the home page. Hope to see you there.

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