5 | The Confession

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Siya Mehra

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Siya Mehra

The hall was filled with big personalities, billionaires, rich elites, and powerful people. It felt intimidating, to be in a room full of people who carried more power than you. They talked with each other, discussing their business and wealth, flaunting their money. It was Wednesday night and the charity auction had finally begun. The place was adorned with various artworks, paintings and sculptures, ready to be auctioned off at the highest bid they could manage. After all, the purpose for the charity auction was clear, to gain the highest amount so that the money could be used for the betterment of orphan kids. 

However, the people at the auction seemed more interested in showcasing their wealth and status than in helping the innocent souls in need. For them, charity events were opportunities to polish their public image, sidestep government eyes, and flaunt their power. It's all about power, the higher your bid, the more respect you earn in the business world. That's the way of the world, those with power succeed, while others watch them with defeat. 

And to me, this auction made no exception. Clad in a red dress, with a slit between my thighs, I watched as the people placed their bids on various artwork. Bella was busy attending to the guests and I was alone in a corner, unsure of what to do. Had it been India, things would have been different. I was a millionaire's daughter there, and people knew me, they came to me and talked to me on their own. But this place felt different, it was different. All I could see were different faces and it made me lonely. 

"Girlfriend!" A voice cheered, drawing my attention. I turned to see Zander coming towards me with a big grin on his face, dressed in a dashing black tuxedo adorned with an adorable red bow that only added to his cuteness. His presence drew the attention of everyone around us, and I couldn't help but smile upon seeing him. 

"Looking charming as always, boyfriend!" I returned his grin as he came near me and he raised his hands to give me a high-five. 

"What about me, Siya? Am I not looking handsome enough for you to notice?" Xavier asked, his lips curved upward. I chuckled, finding his behaviour a little unusual. 

Xavier commanded attention from everyone the moment he entered, draped in a tailored black Italian tuxedo exuding manly charm. His perfectly styled hair framed his face, adding more to his demeanour. But it was the captivating piercing blue eyes of his that truly set him apart. He looked handsome,  beautifully handsome.  

Before I could reply, Zander interrupted, "No, Daddy, you're looking old." Xavier's smirk faltered, taken aback by his own son's unexpected statement. "I'm only twenty-nine, and you've inherited those charming genes from me, so you better humble yourself and show some respect for the majestic genes I've awarded you with." Xavier never sounded so offended to me as much as he did at the moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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