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Next day the news was spreading all over the world Especially in S.korea.

Something unexpected was coming for jhope which he never new

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Something unexpected was coming for jhope which he never new.

On the otherside

Next day the news was spreading all over the world Especially in S.korea.

Something unexpected was coming for jhope which he never new.

On the otherside

??: I will go for grocery shopping. Can u come with me?
??: ya wait a Second (went inside a room)
??: joon hyung I am going to grocery shopping with jin hyung
Nj: ok jimin come fast oke
Jm: okke hyung(went outside)
Jm:come hyung lets go
Jin: ok.. Tae tae take of the pups ok.
(They left to shop)
After reaching there
Jin: jimin I will go purchase vegetables. Wait here.
Jm: okke
Jin left. Jimin started to look around. Soon he stopped at a spot.

 Soon he stopped at a spot

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Jm: hobaaaa.....
Jin:hey jimin what are u looking at?
Jm: look hyung ..hoba..our hobaa
Jin: hobi..he is an idol now. Come lets go fast and show it to joon, come.
(They left to home)
Nj:what happened hyung?
Jm:look hyung( he shows the magazine)
Nj: Hoseok. .he is jhope. Lets find him hyung. Lets find more about him. Jungkook grab the tablet fast.
Jk: ya coming( jk came) what happened hyung?
Nj: we found Hoseok. Call tae tae.
Jk: what..really tae tae come fast we found Hobi hyung.
Tae: (came running With jin's pup in hand) really
Jk: yes Tae tae he is jhope.
Nj: calm down lets search more about him which happened after he left us.
All ex Nj: okk
(Jung Ho-seok, better known by his stage name J-Hope, is a South Korean rapper, singer-songwriter, dancer, and record producer.)
(This is from google guys)
(He is also the ceo of jung entertainment )

Everyone in the room surprised by this info. The person they said useless was now a billionaire
Nj: guys, y did We do that to him? We FAILED.
Jk: calm down hyung lets see his new album.

( when I thought about a song this song came to my mind. Also Becky will be a Character in this. She will be a Omega )
Jin: wow hot
Nj: true it was hot. I never thought he was this much hot but why is this Girls so close to him? His fans are shipping them together.
Jk: (jealous) ya ya I also noticed it

 Jk: (jealous) ya ya I also noticed it

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Jk: look he is hugging her happily. Look at his smile,its genuine.
( jin and Taehyung was more jealous because there Hoseok was hugging another omega)
Tae: are we too late hyung. Can we get him back?
Nj: we can try tae we will try our best. Lets visit him, ok. Now calm down

Hey fairies Author here,
The pictures I used here is all from google. If u like the story vote for it. Comment your opinions. Take care and drink alot of water dear readers.

Bye bye 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️


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