The Betrayal

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We now see Gordon and crew sailed through the sea in search of both the Kraken and the Sea Dragon. Arthur was on the helm, steering the ship rather wildly.

Arthur: 🎵 There once was a ship that put to sea, the name of the ship was Billy of Tea🎵

Sam was enjoying the ride, bouncing all over the place. Meanwhile, up on deck, Gordon was struggling to keep his balance due to the swaying of the ship while Davey was trying to hang on.

Gordon: Argh! What is going on down there?

Losing his patience, he approached Brill who just standing there with a bucket still on his head and yanked it off of him. He then grabbed a harpoon threatening the now-frightened Kraken with it.

Gordon: First, you burned out me engines. Then you clogged up bilge pump. And now we've been off course for hours. Now, where is my Kraken and Sea Dragon?!

In a panic, Brill quickly points in a general direction.

Brill: Kraken ahoy!

Arthur: Sam, that's our signal. It's go time.

Sam: Got it.

Gordon: Davey, cue music!

Davey turned on the radio playing Ride like the wind.

Below deck, Sam tossed out a pink glowing bag into the water. Whatever it was in the bag started swimming away, but the captain had it in his sight.

Gordon: There'll be no escaping this time!

He aimed his harpoon gun and fired at the so called "Kraken". It was a direct hit but it fought back, tugging the boat along. Using his strength, the captain reeled it in and threw the glowing creature onto the boat and everyone gathered around it. It was covered in seaweed, but the creature was glowing pink through the seaweed.

Arthur: Wow. Gordon, you did it. You've slayed the beast! And here's your proof, the Kraken's baby itself.

Gordon: But it's so tiny.

Gordon got a closer look at the baby while Davey was about to touch it, but got defensive when Arthur gave a warning.

Arthur: Careful. The babies are the most deadly.

Gordon: Deadly? But it looks almost, uh, cute.

Then all of a sudden, the baby turned out to be Nessie, lunged at the captain, engulfing his whole head in his mouth. Gordon panicked and tried to get the pretend Kraken baby off.

Gordon: Ah, Davey! Davey! Don't kill me. Oh, please don't kill me Kraken monster!

Arthur then simply plucked Nessie off the captain and dropped it on the deck. The sea dog then faked his dying breath all dramatically before playing dead. Gordon soon started to celebrate.

Gordon: Oh, I did it. I survived a deadly Kraken baby attack. Oh finally, I've got my proof. *triumphant laugh* Wouldn't want to divorce me now, would ya, Tammy? Cabin boy, take a picture. This is for all my haters. Your one-star reviews mean nothing.

He picked up Nessie for Sam to take the picture. The young Kraken did so with his phone and texted his mom, telling her that they did it. Gordon then handed Nessie to Sam and headed down with the rest.

Gordon: We may not have captured the Sea Dragon yet, but we'll deal with that tomorrow. Boys, this calls for a celebratory sea chantey. 🎵You go low. I'll go high🎵

The adventures of Captain Tsunami. Ruby Gillman x male Sea Dragon reader.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu