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Ruby and Y/N left the kingdom and swam their way back home. Along the way, they passed by Clarence and petted him farewell.

Ruby: Bye, Clarence.

Y/N: See ya buddy.

Clarence made a sound to say goodbye. While swimming, Ruby was lost in thought about everything she had learned from Grandmamah as Y/N broke the silence.

Y/N: So let me get this straight, there are more sea monsters besides us, there was a war between Krakens and Mermaids and your mom was a Kraken warrior who chose to threw away the trident of Oceanus just so that she can live in the surface.

Ruby: Yeah that's pretty much it.

Y/N: Wow, that is gonna be a lot to process.

Ruby: I know. Which is why I wanna go home and continue on with my...

Then she was interrupted when she got caught in a rope trap.

Ruby: Y/N help!

Y/N: Hang on Ruby! I'm gonna set you free.

But unfortunately he also got caught into the same trap.

Y/N: Ah, tarter sauce!

Then it was revealed that the trap was set by Gordon Lighthouse who was above them as he was quickly alerted.

Gordon: *gasp* Kraken and Sea Dragon ahoy!

Ruby tried to get the rope off of her foot but only for her to be ensnared by more traps. While Y/N managed to get his off with a swipe of his clawed hand.

Gordon: Davey, hard to port. Full power!

The pet crab obeyed its owner and managed to take control of the ship. As the boat drew nearer, Gordon loaded his harpoon cannon and let out a maniacal laugh as he aimed. Meanwhile, Ruby kept struggling to free herself from the trap as Y/N helped cutting them down with his clawed hands.

Gordon: Fly. Fly, me beauties.

Then he fired the harpoon at Ruby as Y/N quickly went in front of her as the harpoon bounced off of him and then he turned towards Ruby.

Y/N: Don't worry I'll protect you no matter what.

Ruby: Thank you.

Gordon: Let's get a closer look at ya.

As Gordon's ship drew closer, Ruby came up with an idea.

Ruby: Y/N, I've got an idea.

Y/N: Whatever you're thinking of, now would be the time before he gets closer.

Ruby: I'm gonna try to use my laser eyes.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Ruby: Yeah, I'm sure of it. Laser eyes, go!

Unfortunately with no experience, she couldn't unleash them and they just fizzled in her eyes.

Ruby: Laser eyes, go! Laser eyes. Y/N it's not working!

Y/N: Hang on I'll think of something here! *thinks for a moment* Of course!

Ruby: Of course what?

Y/N: I'm gonna use my electricity to short out his boat.

The adventures of Captain Tsunami. Ruby Gillman x male Sea Dragon reader.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora