15 1 2

Weeks flew past, Gabby spending each day with her new friends. Treasuring each moment as if it weren't evermore. An owl perched at her window, opening the window, she realised whose it was. James Potter's owl. Except why would he be sending a letter to her. Taking the letter and patting the owl's head, flying away after it realised Gabby didn't have any treats. Opening the seal, she read it.

Hey Brie,

Lily here, just wanted to say my 'holiday' is FINALLY over, it took ages, plus Vernad or whatever ended up coming with us and took my family to his parents' farm. Like can you believe it. Anyways, James ended up coming over, yay! You should come over too! Don't worry about intruding, because well you know, the Marauders are here too. Mum and dad are okay with it. Tuney, well she's a different story.

Miss you,


Her heart fluttered, Sirius Black. She would get to see him again after weeks. And Lily! But she would be intruding. After thinking about it for a while, Gabby figured she would go, she needed updates on Jily. She'd probably missed so much and those corny letters James had sent Lily in previous years.

Alex and Rose were also leaving in a few days so she would be left alone. Getting her trunk which has laid on the floor still fully packed, and writing a note to leave for Lisa. Gabby wanted to leave and never come back, she doubted Lisa would care in the slightest. Considering that she'd bullied her own sister whom she was incredibly close with, towards the point where Anna had left the moment she'd turned 18.

Gabriella Brooks picked up her suitcase, waved goodbye to the house elf, walking off to the park, meeting Rose and Alex, she smiled. "Hey guys". Rose hugged her, "you're going huh?" Gabby nodded. Alex spoke, "bye Gabs, hopefully we'll see each other around!" Gabby quickly realised she had no idea how to reach Lily's house, of course she knew the address but usually her mum would drive her. "Hey guys, do you know how I can get to a house like ages away, it's not too far but I don't want to walk there?"

Rose replied, "yeah, you can take the Knight Bus." Seeing Gabby's peculiar expression, she explained,

"basically just stand near the road with your wand out. You do have wizard money, right?" Gabby nodded, she'd converted the year prior so she could buy sweets in Hogwarts. Gabby smiled at Rose and Alex, until leaving, waving back at them as she walked away. After finding a secluded spot, Gabby grabbed her wand and pointed it to the road. A few moments later, a humungous purple double decker bus appeared, a man appeared and took her trunk. Gabby stepped inside, saying Lily's address. The bus immediately zoomed off as soon as she entered, looking around to see rows of beds. Quickly sitting on one she almost toppled over. The bus halted to a quick stop as she was handed her bags, giving the money over, Gabby looked to see she was in front of Lily's house.

Knocking at the door, Gabby shrieked, Lily ran over to her, hugging her so tightly, almost knocking her over. "Brie you came! That was actually so quick, I can't imagine what life was like." "I was with my aunt so yeah, she was working majority of the time. I think she is teaching a protegee by the name of Rita Skeeter. Yeah anyways hiii!" Lily took her bags, "c'mon you can stay in my room. James and Sirius took the first guest room. Remus and Peter have the other."

Gabby smiled and entered, going up the stairs to see James, Peter, Remus and Sirius all huddled up together reading something. Gabriella dramatically entered and screamed, Peter, Sirius and James screamed back. Remus was trying to avoid his laugh but then gave up. James spoke up, "c'mon Gabs, Peter's all scared now, look at him." Sirius replied, "oh ignore James, Peter's fine, look at him." Peter freaked, gripping his left arm in fear.

Gabby laughed and smiled, shaking her head as she went to Lily's room. Crashing onto the bed Lily was on, making her jump. "Damn Brie, stop scaring everyone." They laughed and started talking about the holidays. Taking the entire day to themselves by laying in bed and watching Friends.

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