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Gabby awoke to her mum standing by her bed. "Boo!" "Aagh!" Gabriella was petrified. "I'm going out to buy groceries, wanna come?" Gabby said, "no". Anna left, "there's pancakes." After getting dressed and brushing, she headed downstairs, inhaling the pancakes. Gabby looked up at the clock. It was one pm. Wow.

After eating, she went up to Lily's house knocking on the door. After Lily's dad, Luke opened the door, Gabby ignored Lily's older bitchy sister, Petunia and ran to Lily's room. This time Lily jumped. "So what do you wanna do?" "I've been waiting for you, Brie. Like for ages. Now c'mon. To the garden."

Lily grabbed her Gabby's hand, taking her downstairs. "Okay soo, I've been replying to James' letters, and oh my, he's soo cute Brie." Gabby chuckled, "what?! Is he sending you adorable love poems." "Actually, yes", Lily blushed.

"I'm soo happy you're here. Mum and dad keep going on and on about Tuney's wedding. They want everything to be perfect." "She doesn't deserve it all Lils. Now, how about we play with this", pointing to a random ball. "Sure, soccer?" Gabby nodded, as they began playing. Lily kicked the ball, as she ran to the goal. Gabby stole it, as she failed kicking it into the goal.

As the evening came, Lily said, "Brie, Me and my family are going to be going to places the entire holidays in about four hours. We're checking wedding venues for Tuney and her stupid fiance, Veron or whatever." "Girl, what?! You're joking." Lily's face confirmed it all, "I don't want to, but I'm forced to come." "Finee, Lils, I'll be bored the entire holidays. Also thirty minutes, aghhh. We better owl each other everyday." "Definitely."

"Okay, Lils, I'm gonna go now. Mum's probably home now. Bye!", Gabby hugged Lily, then left. At least her and Anna could catch up a lot more and maybe go somewhere for a week.

Anna opened the door, giving Gabby a coat, 'c'mon let's go out to eat." "Yay! Thanks mum!" Getting in the car, they drove to a nearby fast-food place. It was a pizzeria, they would visit all the time. Getting out, Anna greeted the server, "hey Wilson. Nice to meet you, how's life?"

Wilson excitedly answered, 'It's amazing, Ann. My eldest, Marge has just bought a new cat. Also Vernon is getting married, it was to the girl on your street. Petunia I think, she's lovely. You want your regular?" Anna nodded, "oh yeah, Petunia. She's a darling. Such a sweetheart. Top grades, beautiful, sweet, she's the perfect girl." "Oh yes, Vernon loves her." The two emerged into a long conversation about the two's marriage.

The food then came Anna and Gabby had another chance to chat and catch up. This time she told Gabby about her life. The two then went for a walk, admiring the beautiful starry night sky.

They then walked back through this narrow pathway, but at the end, two people in black cloaks corned the mother and daughter duo. Gabby was petrified. Anna stood in front of Gabby, "step away from me and my daughter."

Just then one of the figures revealed their mask and pulled out a wand. Gabby whispered to Anna, "mum, they're wizards." A bright emerald green flash came from on of their wands, heading straight towards Anna. Anna fell to the ground. As the people were about to shoot a spell at Gabby, she punched one, stealing their wand. "Stupefy!" One person blacked out. The other shot another spell at Gabby who dodged it, "you'd make a good death eater kid." "Wait death eater. You're a fucking death eater", Gabby screamed, attacking the person with a hex.

She then walked over to Anna. Her mother eyes looked up at Gabby in a creepy way. Closing her eyes, Teardrops fell from her eyes, crashing onto the ground. Anna Brooks was dead. All because of a death eater.

Under The StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora